So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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LOL You are having way too much fun!  



Those reflectors in the middle of the road? I always saw those as help to see the road. Nothing worse then in the mountains, its raining, and you can't see the road because reflectors aren't there. brilliant.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



Actually that was Oregon. lol

The road to Tofino freaks me out enough and the road to Whistler with the construction is nutty enough to keep one alert. I've heard highway 1 is insane past Hope. BC highways in general are the wildest I've seen. I always wondered what pre-interstate America was like especially in the mountains. BC probably is the closest to the 'wildness' of the roads I read about.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Welcome to American roads. I hate running over those, especially when everyone is sleeping, it wakes them up.

  Actually we do have the rumble strips here as well.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Lil Me

The rumble strips are very effective when you're hung over and slumped over the wheel.  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


I didn't know they were called rumble strips....

Lil Me

Hey Everyone!  McLunch today.  Bleh. *burp*  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Hi Lil Me!

  Lunch was chicken with cous cous and hummus.  yummeee....


Lil Me wrote:  Hey Everyone!  McLunch today.  Bleh. *burp*

  That would be *McBurp*  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Lil Me

 *passes hat around to collect change for Michel's car stereo*
 C'mon everyone, throw in a buck or two.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


