So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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 I'm just going by what everyone knows, people aren't in school in the Summer. This means more people outside and its warmer, so people are out longer. The longer you stay outside in this city the more trouble you will run into.

For example, you'll hear about someone getting shot and killed walking the street at 1am in the morning to their house. This would only happen in the summer because its nicer out. I've said before St. Louisans don't want to be outside during the day, its too hot. From 5am-10am 6pm-10pm that's when people are most active in their leisure time. If you're out and about walking around past 10, you're asking for trouble unless you're in a white area. Then the cut off is before 12. The city's nightlife is only in small concentrated pockets. The rest of the town is a ghost town. The crimes happen when somebody walks into the ghost town part.

And its cold in the winter, so you're not going to go wandering unless certain events are happening (Blues game is effy, most of the traffic is from the suburbs), Rams night games, and Mardi Gras. If you stay around at Mardi Gras past 5pm when it gets dark, it gets lawless. People start breaking windows, drug pedalers come out pushing drugs on you, girls get taken advantage of and usually somebody ends up dead.

This is in no way a St. Louis problem, but is a refection of most of Midwestern to Southern cities that have experienced white flight post 60s. St. Louis is grouped with towns like Detroit, Memphis, Atlanta, Cleveland for this reason. The each of these cities have more or less the same underlining factor in their problems.

Crime has been on the downward trend anyway in St. Louis, but I'm serious when I joke a lot about Vancouver's crime rate (same size) in terms of St. Louis. If Vancouver's high crime years happened in St. Louis, the Police Chief and Mayor would become saints and heroes.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Eggs for dinner.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]    Back from the big city to my little prison on the Island.  I was getting homesick about a week ago (I'm such a big baby)

  Looks like I got some catch-up reading to do.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Wear to work? I was thinking about nothing but I might get fired so it'll be something with sleeves and some decent pants. Not even sure if I'm allowed to wear a skirt. Those animals at work might say something. Men with wagging tongues....... (too many Michels at work -    Michel - are you heading to Wreck Beach? I'm sure you'll get many photo.... oppportunities. *cough* My friend took her mother to the beach last weekend (her first time) and didn't expect the nudies. I was like, "You took your mom there???? And you didn't know???" Nice views.

  Have fun camping, PL. I'm sure you'll have tons of fun. My idea of camping consists of four walls and a flushing toilet. Anything beyond that is un-thinkable.

  Welcome back, PC.    
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.



Lise @ Work

Geez, SD.... do you sit outside your porch watching everyone?


Ahhhhh.....a sleep in my own bed !  And coffee in my own cup.....mmmmm.  And my kitty who has all of a sudden become Mr. Nice.  Home Sweet Home.

  Michel, kitty pretty much took care of himself.  As he has weeded out almost everyone who would volunteer to look after him, we got one of these....

We are off in another month or so for a little longer, and we have an unsuspecting volunteer to look in on him.  He's an outdoor cat so that part is fine.  So that only leaves lonliness for him....but as he is...umm....rather 'independant', I think he will be fine.  I just need someone to make sure the hopper is full and not raided by the racoons.

  I think there isn't a spot on my body that doesn't hurt. [img onclick="selecte('sleepy.gif');" alt=emoticon src="[/img]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



Morning everyone.

  SD must have high-def binoculars!      

