So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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PostMonkee @(^_^)@

Can you post a dragon?

For me?

I'm feeling sad and reminiscent now    =(

    EDIT: PURELIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  OK, not so sad any more but still reminiscent (or however you spell it).

Dragon pls    =)
Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee.


I can't eat hamburgers anymore hurts my jaw with the tmj.
Plus I just don't like them anymore.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


  Well, how about a pretty cat girl instead to brighten your day and take your mind off food?
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Calzone dough is pretty much the same as pizza dough.  But you can use the frozen bread dough if you you don't want the fuss (although it's really easy)

  A cup of lukewarm water

2 and a half teaspoons yeast

A teaspoon of salt

Half teaspoon of sugar

3 cups of flour

One Tablespoon of olive oil. [SPAN class=pf]In a bowl, combine the water, yeast, salt and sugar, and stir to dissolve. Set aside for 15 minutes, then add the flour, and mix until smooth. Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface, and knead for 10 minutes, adding more flour if necessary. The dough should feel smooth and elastic. Lightly oil a bowl, and place dough inside. Let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour. Quarter the dough, and shape each piece into a ball. Cover, and let rise another 15 minutes. Makes enough dough for 4 calzones. BIG calzones.  You can fill them with whatever you like....veggie calzones....anything.[/SPAN]

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.





Yipes....does MY timing suck.

  Who wants a calzone recipe after THAT purdy girl ????
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

PostMonkee @(^_^)@

 Well, how about a pretty cat girl instead to brighten your day and take your mind off food?

  Well now Im hungry for neko so my day is still dark!! Put on some cat ears and come over meow?   =)

Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee.


ROTFL. You guys rock!!

  Hey PC. Would you mind so much if I stick your recipe up my blog for safe-keeping? I'll give you credit as Ms. PC (or whatever you want me to call you)? I usually keep a few recipes there so I can access them at a later date when I want to make them.

  Thanks for the recipe, btw!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Yipes....does MY timing suck.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] Who wants a calzone recipe after THAT purdy girl ????
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]
Thanks for that recipe, PC.  When you make the dough, do you create this oval looking shape and then stuff it on one side then fold over?  Do you brush the top with olive oil, poke the top a bit and then bake?  How long does it usually bake for?  30 min?  I definitely want to make that.


No prob's all yours.  It's a pretty basic recipe....but it's good.


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Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

PostMonkee @(^_^)@


TB roxxors my soxxors   =)
Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee.


 [P class=body][SPAN class=pf][SPAN class=smaller]Sorry about that....I guess I should have finished the rest.....heeheeheeee[/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [P class=body][SPAN class=pf][SPAN class=smaller]Roll the dough into a 1/4-inch thick circle, and place filling on one half.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [P class=body][SPAN class=pf][SPAN class=smaller]Moisten the edges of the dough with water, then fold the dough over filling.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [P class=body][SPAN class=pf][SPAN class=smaller]Seal by crimping the edges of the dough with your fingers or the tines of a fork.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [P class=body][SPAN class=pf][SPAN class=smaller]Brush calzone with an egg wash (1 egg beaten with 2 teasponns water).[/SPAN] [/SPAN]

 [P class=body][SPAN class=pf][SPAN class=smaller]Trim the excess dough, make a small incision on the top, and bake until golden, 18 to 20 minutes at 375.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [P class=body][SPAN class=pf][SPAN class=smaller]Edit:  Oh yeah....and the olive oil is to oil the bowl and brush the top of the dough when it is rising.  I'm hopeless trying to spit out a recipe of something I make without a recipe.  I do things out of my head, and rarely do it the same way twice.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Thanks thanks PC! :)))  


Domo-arigato, Ms. PC. I'll jote it down the next time I update my blog.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


hmm sounds like something I could make.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
