So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Lil Me

We ate take-out from the Samosa Gardens tonight *burp*.  Where you going for dinner, Russ?  Robson Sushi?  Must order the sardine maki and crushed walnut soba!!!
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


 We went to a little asian run restaurant. It has western and asian foods.

  Pretty good. I had wonton soup and a double burger with all the trimmings.

After the others saw my wonton soup they ordered teh same thing.

  We went to a grocery store and bought a bucket of ice cream and sat around in a wet park eating ice cream. lol.[/DIV]
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


just took a run to the store...and man....I tell ya...spring was in the air...LOL...just was me point in getting all twitterpated..LOL

Lil Me

tomorrow's forecast if for heavy rain here in Van.  Going to a funeral tomorrow afternoon, and we'll be standing outside until the person is lowered into the ground.  Mr LM thinks this is a crazy custom.  I had assumed that every culture did it, but apparently not.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Usually they don't do that, but my grandpa's funeral was like that in Florida. This was mainly due to a super strong thunderstorm errupting right at the burial.  So we hurried up the burial process and sprinted to the cars.  It was very odd.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I don't think of it as a crazy custom....I am not sure what the weather has to offer tomorrow...was supposed to rain today..but we had sunny skies? Yeah...throw another milkshake at the weather man  


well if you knew my family it was actually quite funny.  But that's mainly due to my grandma who is just a character all herself.  Only person that still strikes fear into me is an 82 year old 4'5 lady who speaks broken english and wears a doctors mask cuz she can't breathe very well. lol lol lol  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


you know...that is called respect...and by the sounds of things...she has sure earned it!  And good for you!


yeah, she's the one who's been in Soviet Workers Camps after the war.  She can't breathe well anymore because she has black lung disease...... she's never smoked, she worked in a soviet coal mine.....

She's hysterical though but she's really old fashion.  If she sees you reading, she'll ask why aren't you working. lol.  And her idea of shopping is going to the grocery store.

The best part or most hysterical part is that everytime her birthday or easter or christmas comes around she goes "well this is my last christmas..." lol she's been saying that for 8 years now.  Like last year she said she was going to see the beach for the last time.

She's the energizer bunny.  Although a bank teller thought she was robbing a bank because she had her doctors mask on. lol

that reminds me I've got to call her...
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


thank you for sharing about her...she sounds GREAT!  *bless*


thanks no probs.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


my grandma lives in an old folks home grandpa has joined there recently as well...they are a quiet type...but grandma is polish...and can be polish...but not too eccentric...wishing that their humor was a little bit more loose..but I love them nonetheless...without them...I wouldn't have my pops...and he is my hero...


yeah my grandma lives in a retirement subdivision in florida. Has her own home, really nice place, olympic sized pool, putt putt golf course. And she drives a giant caddy lol.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

pitbullca.bc grandma can barely walk without help...I don't have any great stories to tell about her...they are all kept in my families archives I guess....other than she can be a real bag when she wants to be LOL...but she is still my grandma..and her smell I haven't forgotten..since I was a baby...they live in Ontario..and I live in BC...long distance to travel to stay in touch...


yeah that's a long way. Could always call though.

off to work now.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
