Music you love to hate

Started by Lise, Jul 15 06 01:46

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Baby Baby Baby.....

  Yeah I don't like rap either. I just don't get it. Anyone can do it. My friend I have come up with some sick lyrics before just making crap up and I bet we could cut a record and it do pretty well. Rap was orginally about social strife but now its about tits, ass, guns and sex. Where did it switch from social commentary to let's party? Most likely when Biggie died and the fued kinda ended and Puff Daddy took over the scene and turned it into one big party.

  The funny thing is rap isn't as huge in Europe as it is here. If you turn on the radio and here a rock band or pop band Its most likely from the UK.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Future Canadian

 kitten wrote:
 That dratted "Rainbow Connection" has been running through my mind since I first read it at 5 this morning!   AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!
Sorry about that! I actually was reminded of it when I read your post, so I clicked right over to iTunes and bought it. He's not the best singer but he's better than a muppet.
...religion has made some contributions to civilization. It helped in the early days to fix the calendar, and it caused Egyptian priests to chronicle ecplipses with such care that in time they were able to predict them. These two services I am prepared to acknowledge, but I do not know of any others


hot hot heat's "bandages" song is annoying (or whatever the actual title is)  


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  This song.
