I cant believe this....

Started by Maria, Jul 11 06 01:01

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That's all you can say?  A "so what?"

  Hey, now you must understand why we say "So what" to your pictures.    


Look...if anybody reads this stuff, they will know that u guys are losers...that have NOTHING else to do but write in these forums...its ok if u guys are ugly people with issues, there IS help, but denial won't change anything.  


awww....OMG Maria.....thanks for caring.

Do you really think there is "hope" for ugly people?



Ugly people will always remain ugly...but feeling bad about being ugly CAN be changed...so yes there is hope for ugly people


ugly people pro-create and have beatiful childern.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 Maria wrote:
Ugly people will always remain ugly...but feeling bad about being ugly CAN be changed...so yes there is hope for ugly people

It's nice to know there's hope for you.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


That's good to know Maria.  Very wise.  


Look, believe it or not, i'm a friendly person...i never meant to get into an argument...my post started because i wanted to get some outside opinions from people, but i got negative responses which created more negative responses...so sorry if i offended anybody...u definitely dont have to accept my apology, u can still hate me if u want...but i've said what i wanted to say...

  oh and about that ugly thing...i personally believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder...so one person cannot be beautiful and one person cannot be ugly...because what one person finds ugly, another may find gorgeous..


I agree with your last part about beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I'm sure that there is something beautiful in you, somewhere.  :)

  Should it really matter that you had negative responses?  There's no need to be worked up about it if nobody liked the pictures.  We have different opinions.


And, it's all in good fun.


I wouldn't have cared if u had said she was ugly...it was the fact that i bumped my old post and afterwards made a new one with more pictures...and u guys were like why would u do that, wtf??? Thats what got me mad not ur opinions, but i'm over it now so its ok...


   Maria wrote:
Look, believe it or not, i'm a friendly person...

Right, that's why most of your posts involve calling everyone here "losers". That's mighty friendly alright. Yessiree.

i never meant to get into an argument...

Maybe it's just a talent you have.

so sorry if i offended anybody...

Yeah, I can sense the remorse all the way from here.

u definitely dont have to accept my apology, u can still hate me if u want...

Well....okay. I must say, it's nice to have your permission.

Truthfully, I don't hate you. I just don't care enough about you to waste the energy hating you. Ken Lay, yes. Adolph Hitler, yes. George Bush, yes.  But you? Nope. I don't hate you.  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Tehborken, u have ur opinions and i have mine...like i said before, i was mad and of course when ur mad u start calling people names and all of that, but i didnt come and post on this site to argue...to be honest i barely post on DV and barely on here too...this back and forth posting was a little more personal so i started to post a lot more than usual....i dont know u and i also dont care enough to hate u, people do and say crazy things when they are mad...once again i really am sorry...u dont have to believe me but i am


Wow Maria.  I'm shocked.

  Did you just get laid?  


oh and to answer ur question purelife, no i'm not persian. Just out of curiosity, what made u think i was?  
