Dancing = Goin' to Hell

Started by TehBorken, Jul 06 06 02:24

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[font style="font-family: Verdana;" size="2"]Recently released by the Gutenberg project...too funny! Dancers take heed- your life is in peril! [/font]So says T.A. Faulkner, former owner of the Los Angeles Dancing Academy and ex-President of Dancing Masters' Association of the Pacific Coast. The 40-page tract from 1892 is hilarious, mostly for the relish Faulkner takes in detailing the perverted carnal urges that run amok in people when they dance...
[/p][hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][a href="http://manybooks.net/pages/faulknert1875918759/0.html"]From the Ball-Room to Hell[/a], by T. A. Faulkner

An excerpt....

But let us turn our attention again to the dancers, at two o'clock next morning. This is the favorite waltz, and the last and most furious of the night, as well as the most disgusting. Let us notice, as an example, our fair friend once more.[/p] She is now in the vile embrace of the Apollo of the evening. Her head rests upon his shoulder, her face is upturned to his, her bare arm is almost around his neck, her partly nude swelling breast heaves tumultuously against his, face to face they whirl on, his limbs interwoven with hers, his strong right arm around her yielding form, he presses her to him until every curve in the contour of her body thrills with the amorous contact. Her eyes look into his, but she sees nothing; the soft music fills the room, but she hears it not; he bends her body to and fro, but she knows it not; his hot breath, tainted with strong drink, is on her hair and cheek, his lips almost touch her forehead, yet she does not shrink; his eyes, gleaming with a fierce, intolerable lust, gloat over her, yet she does not quail. She is filled with the rapture of sin in its intensity; her spirit is inflamed with passion and lust is gratified in thought. With a last low wail the music ceases, and the dance for the night is ended, but not the evil work of the night.[/p] The girl whose blood is hot from the exertion and whose every carnal sense is aroused and aflame by the repetition of such scenes as we have witnessed, is led to the ever-waiting carriage, where she sinks exhausted on the cushioned seat. Oh, if I could picture to you the fiendish look that comes into his eyes as he sees his helpless victim before him. Now is his golden opportunity. He must not miss it, and he does not, and that beautiful girl who entered the dancing school as pure and innocent as an angel three months ago returns to her home that night robbed of that most precious jewel of womanhood--virtue![/p] When she awakes the next morning to a realizing sense of her position her first impulse is to self-destruction, but she deludes herself with the thought that her "dancing" companion will right the wrong by marriage, but that is the farthest from his thoughts, and he casts her off--"[em]he[/em] wishes a pure woman for [em]his[/em] wife."[/p] She has no longer any claim to purity; her self-respect is lost; she sinks lower and lower; society shuns her, and she is to-day a brothel inmate, the toy and plaything of the libertine and drunkard.[/p] How can I picture to you the awful anguish of that mother's heart, the sadness of that father's face, or the dreadful gloom which settles over that once happy home. Neither their love nor their gold can repair the damage done. Their sighs and tears cannot restore that virtue. It is lost, gone forever. Ah, better, yes, infinitely better, would it have been if instead of placing their only darling in the dancing school, they had laid her in the grave by her little sister's side while her soul was pure and spotless.[/p] But how is it with her ball-room Apollo? Does society shun him? Does he pine away and die? Oh, no; he continues in the dancing school, constantly seeking new victims among the pure and innocent.[/p] Like flowers, the choicest ones are plucked first, and most admired, their beauty soon fades and they are cast aside for new ones. Parents, do not discredit my statement. There is no mistake; I know whereof I speak when I say that just such villains as I have described are to be found in, and leaders of, the select dancing school, in the ball room and at the parlor dance, figuring in what is called the best society, as the most refined and highly polished society gentlemen of the day.[/p] Nor is the ball-room scene an imaginary one.[/p] I have seen it, just as described, hundreds, yes, thousands of times, and have known of many and many a case with the same sad ending.[/p] Do not delude yourself, my dear reader, with the thought that such scenes occur only at low public dances. Some of the lowest and most disgusting deeds of which I have had any knowledge, have occurred at and in connection with, the most fashionable parlor dances.[/p] The following infamous deeds were done on one of the principal avenues and at the home of one of the most aristocratic families of this city.[/p] The occasion was a fashionable dance of which I was manager.[/p] There was present the [em]creme de la creme[/em] of the city's society. Among them two beautiful young women who were actors in the play I am about to put before you. The play is in five acts.[/p] The first scene is of exquisite loveliness. It is a large drawing room, elegant in all its appointments. Its coloring as seen by gas light is soft, rich, and beautifully blended or prettily contrasted. Its pictures are rare bits of art from the brush of the most popular artists of ancient and modern times, and all its ornamentation is forcibly suggestive of culture and refinement. All these things we feel rather than see, for our attention is riveted upon the gay company assembled.[/p] We hear the hum of many voices and see before us scenes of fair women and handsome men, diamonds flash, silks rustle, and no garden of flowers ever displayed a greater variety of rich and dainty color intermingled, or flashed more brightly its gems of morning dew. But hark! From behind that bower of blossoms and evergreens in yonder recess come strains of music which set the little white slipper to tapping out the time as its wearer waits impatiently for the waltz to begin, and now the room presents a scene of whirling, whirling figures.[/p] Notice particularly this couple near us and that one in yonder corner, for I know them well. The ladies are beautiful and respectable.[/p] To be sure, one not accustomed to such scenes would consider them anything but respectably dressed, with their nude arms, neck and partially exposed breast,[/p][hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][/p]
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Some Chick

I know a few clubs around this city that would blow his puritanical little mind.

  *All hot and bothered by the sexy text.*

  Faulkner today would be a lad with a sticky keyboard from all of his self-teasing text.

weird al

Dancing can indeed be a slippery slope, and is best avoided by those who would preserve their virtue. Some Baptists have been known to discourage making love standing up lest it lead to dancing.