I just spent a week with my grandmother and for the first time in years, saw those TV talk shows. It's like witnessing a public pants-wetting, it makes me cringe. [/div]
Ack, talk shows. Talk shows are mostly "The Blind Leading The Blank". Especially morning talk shows. When I become Planetary Dictator, most talk show hosts will be summarily executed. (Live on TV, of course!)
[div style="font-style: italic;"]And for that matter, what is the deal with people who are super-into reading about "true crime"? Is it just a cheap thrill?
I like "true crime" books. I don't know why other people read it, but I like to see how the cops put the pieces together and figure it out. It's why I don't like mysteries or 'pure' fantasy very much- it's too easy! With fantasy or a mystery a writer can make up anything and then make it all fit together however they like....it seems like cheating to me, lol.