purelife wrote:
awww.....time does fly by quickly huh? I think that it's like that as soon as one has kids. 
It's not just flying, it's breaking the sound barrier, lol.
On a cheerier note, my son told me that my ex-wife told him that she hopes I don't show up at his graduation. What kind of sick shit is that to say to a 12 year old kid? What a f*cking ****.
Well f*ck her, she's just shit out of luck. It's a once in a lifetime event and the school is 2 blocks away. Fricking
god himself couldn't keep me from being there. Hell, I've been involved from Day 1, I'm in the PTA, I've been the school's webmaster for 7 years, and I put up the money for the graduation swim party they had the other day. I'm in class all the time helping out and doing stuff. My ex-wife's involvment consists of everything shown between these two lines:
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]
That's right, nothing. Nada, zip, zero, zilch. The teacher wouldn't even recognize her if she ever did drop in to the class. (Assuming she could even find the school, lol.)
So she can sit on a barbed-wire fence post and spin like a disco-ball for all I care. I couldn't
imagine saying something like that to my son about his mom. And she wonders why I got custody. It's simple:
I'm not a sick, vindictive psycho-bitch from hell, that's why.