To support the Bush regime, you have to have a sincere belief in Weldpolitik or a significant capacity for suspension of disbelief. People who have conned themselves into believing in Weldpolitik generally deny that they believe in anything - they think they're the supreme realists and consider other folk who believe in ethics to be deluded. Cheny, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc are self-interested, amoral, elistists and are very pragmatic about pursuing expediency over ethics every time. They believe in nothing moral unles you define your morality in terms of personal profit and loss.
It is interesting that much of their base of support likes to fancy themselves monocular moralists. These are the people in denial. Most have so handicapped themselves intellectually that they are incapable of perceiving the world or responding to it with anything but fear.Carl Rove, the master drover, directs the herd from imaginary fear to imaginary fear, giving them what they expect in doses they can tollerate. They keep to their faith by denying every ideal their Savior believed in. They do what is right by committing sin.
You can say a lot of things for or against the Christian God, but the Christian Devil is beyond argument a damned clever bastard.