I love pictures of interseting and horrible places, as long as it's someone else who goes to the interesting and horrible places instead of me. In this case it's Artemii Lebedev, a leading Russian web designer, who went to the DPRK (the Dumbass Peoples Republic of Korea). His images are truly incredible, and the commentary is disturbing. It's well worth looking at the whole set. Can you
imagine living in a place like this?
[a href="vny!://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?t=82755"]Link to full set of images[/a]
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The whole Pyongyang is like this, when he asked the guide about the old houses the guide said that old people didn't want to move out in the new ones and like it that way
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The road is prepared for an invasion, the big cubes can be pushed on the road to trap the enemy tanks.
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The only house where a foreigner will be ever allowed on his visit. It's a model-house of a model-farmworker of a model-collective farm.
There is even something that looks like a computer made of components that are not even plugged together. Internet does not exist, only intranet is avalaible.
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The plaster statues are clean and not broken apart. North Korea is a perfect reproduction of the year 1950.
[a href="vny!://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?t=82755"]Link to full set of images[/a]