Hmm! I think you might be the person to ask kitten.
My grandmother being of the young age of 94 is starting to lose her sences, more specifically her sight. Still with it mental wise, she remembers stuff I told her that I dont.
My biggest thing now is I have to go to her appartment and clean her fridge once a week, please note she lives in assisted living with cleaning and meals included. Things like make sure she has things covered properly so they dont spoil, things left out or questionable are thrown out and spills are scrubbed before the stink.
Case: I went to her place and as soon as I went in I could tell something was off.. the cleaner had just left. I followed my nose and went to the fridge, and opened it. First thing I saw, was rotten spills down the sides and onto the bottom including into the crispers. There was half covered foods and half drank glasses of liquids that had mold floating on them. My grandmother apparently has been taking what she doesnt drink up to her suite and leaving it in her fridge. I went through and cleaned everything out in the fridge, covering everything worth saving and scrubbed all.
I then went and complained to the management about it, I mean the smell was STILL obvious in the there and there was no way the cleaner didnt notice. My grandmother can get VERY sick from that. Their answer was that the cleaners union doesnt include cleaning fridges which they forgot to tell families about, so its up the the person in question to do. I still said if its noticable like that, they should mention it or do something about it, not ignore it, I also demanded that the people like my grandmother not be alowed to take leftover milk and juice they didnt drink up to their rooms from their meals, there was about 12 glasses in her fridge, half at least were rotten.
Is there anything I can do to help her NOT have this in her fridge? Like somehow get her to throw all the stuff out instead of keeping it?
I try to talk to her and she just smiles and pats my cheek then walks away. She likes Red Robbins though, lol.