Sativa Hemporium

Started by Salvia, Apr 24 06 11:01

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 [font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"] So there I was on Comercial St. passed by Sativia and on a whim decided to purchase some Salvia 10x. For those of you that do not know what this is here's a link [a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=""][/a]

So anyways I've had it before sometime ago, it was great.  There I was entered the store went the back and purchased some Saliva 10x extract.  This is supposed to be very potent.  Got home packed the bong, with about 1/10th of a gram. Hit it back held it for 20-30. Released.  Waited.... waited... waited.... Nothing.  I should have been having a great trip by now.  So I figure I'll give it another shot I pack have a gram wich is a retareded ammount if this was real Salvia.  That is enough to turn me into a true cosmonaught.  Anyhoo I rip it back my throat feels like it's being cut up by knives. Hold through it. Release. Wait... Wait.. Wait.. Oh and Wait... Nothing.  

Well after that all I'm left with is a pocket that is $25 lighter and a torn up throat.  Just would like to warn everyone out there that has or is thinking of purchasing salvia from Sativa Hemporium on Commercial st. DON'T.  From my experience they are ripping ppl off with some fake product wich is really bad karma. terrible terrible thing to do.

Anyways I'm going to make sure I get it from friends that grow it and have good karma.

Peace all.

BTW this is in Vancouver b.c
