It took them forever but I finally was banned from's forum

Started by Sportsdude, Apr 08 06 03:52

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Boy there slow, after attacking the Cardinals (forbidden) then the owners and calling them a bunch of capitalist pigs, using anti american baseball posts on the Cardinal forum, Rooting for Cuba, Making fun of the Rams and going off on american foreign policy, hoping bush trips and falls while throwing out the first pitch and is sent to the Hague, american ideals and saying the cardinal fans would give Hitler a standing ovation at Busch Stadium if he was a baseball player. I finally got kicked out of the forum.

My question is what took them so long?
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


What a shock I'm still on it. My goal is to get kicked off anyway. I mean I'd thought Hitler thread would have done it but oh well I'm going to have to try harder now.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


All right that should do it I told missourians to eat shit in french, wished an earthquake would shake the new stadium down and called cardinal fans racist and rednecks and hoped bush deficates himself on the pitchers mound while throwing the opening day baseball..  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg that is hillarious... you should post some of your posts on here , i want to read them lol.


  A man after my own heart, but...
[span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"] <-------------[/span]
one must be intelligent to get intelligent answers.
— bebu


Somebody wanted to see the posts well here yeah go:

  On when Barry Bonds comes to Saint Louis he will be cheered:

[SPAN class=postbody][/SPAN]

[SPAN class=postbody]Why? Because Saint Louis fans have no spine. We are the nicest fans in baseball history. If hitler was a baseball player we'd give him a 15 min. standing ovation.[/SPAN]

[SPAN class=postbody].............[/SPAN]

[SPAN class=postbody][SPAN class=postbody]Remember Mcgwire last year?
People told booers to stop because your scaring the children.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

[SPAN class=postbody][SPAN class=postbody].....................[/SPAN][/SPAN]

[SPAN class=postbody][SPAN class=postbody][/SPAN][/SPAN]

[SPAN class=postbody][SPAN class=postbody]On Getting Ready for Opening Day at the new stadium:[/SPAN][/SPAN][/DIV][SPAN class=postbody][SPAN class=postbody]
What am I doing to get ready?
Hmm. oh I know praying for an earthquake so when the the highway next to the stadium collapses it takes the stadium with it.

Or hoping that when bush comes someone throws a misson accomplish thing at him or better yet a tube that says "Iraq's weapon's of mass destructions are right here!"

But oh wait cardinal fans are redneck clientel who come from Arkansas and are republican hookers til the very end. They probly will give him a standing ovation and the key to the city.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Trolling sports fans is kinda like shooting fish in a barrel, no?  


P.S. the first 10 or so posts on [a href=""]this thread[/a] always made me laugh.  


[a href=""]Check this out.[/a] These guys have bigger problems than a little trolling. lol. I've been watching the saga unfold for a couple of months now. It's quite entertaining.  


   Oops. Wrong thread. [a href=""]This is the one[/a] I meant to post.    


They still haven't deleted me, I guess they don't have the courage.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."