1) A 9-year-old boy in a Gaston County, N.C. school is overheard telling another student that he thinks his teacher is "cute".
2) The school principal, Jerry Bostic, blows a gasket, calls the behavior "sexual harassment", and suspends the student. Note that Mr Bostic has been in the field of education for 44 years.
3) Because of the supposed "sexual harassment" component, the child is now deemed a "sex offender". For life.
4) The internet finds out (ruh-roh!), and comes down on principal Bostic like an avenging hammer. Everyone involved (except him) thinks the suspension was utterly ridiculous and that giving the child a permanent "Sex Offender" record was insane.
5) Due to media pressure, principal Bostic resigns. In his resignation letter, Bostic says that his boss, Reeves McGlohon, pressured him to resign because he is "a very heartless man, and he did it because of politics." Bostic also wrote that "I really don't believe I was treated fairly."
I gotta tell ya, to me that's a perfect description of a man who would suspend a student because he commented to another that a teacher was "cute". (You also have to wonder how many years this principal has been using this kind of bad judgement.)
No, Mr Bostic, you weren't made to resign because Mr McGlohon is heartless, you were made to resign because you're an IDIOT.
And as far as being "not being treated fairly", that's funny, because I would bet that this child's parents feel exactly the same about how you treated him. The difference is that you had 44 years experience and should have known better.