The Decision to Publish Diplomatic Documents

Started by TehBorken, Nov 29 10 07:54

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  I, for one, have to say that I'm in favor of publishing the huge trove of "secret" documents that Wikileaks released to the world. The New York Times is publishing them, which I think speaks highly of the New York Times itself.

It's illuminating how terrified the US government is of this material, as well as how scared so many other governments are. For example, here are the headlines that appeared at the top of the Drudge Report:

[a href=""]USA RACES TO LIMIT DAMAGE...[/a]
[a href=""]250,000 State Dept. cables cover Iran, NKorea, Putin... MORE[/a]
[a href=""]Reveal:  Iran 'smuggled arms' to Hezbollah on ambulances...[/a]
[a href=",1518,731587,00.html"]Reveal:  Clinton Orders Diplomats to Spy on Other Countries at UN...[/a]
[a href=""]Reveal: Iran obtained missiles from NKorea...[/a]
[a href=""]What America REALLY thinks of world leaders...[/a]
[a href=""]Reveal:  China conducting computer sabotage...
 Saudis are chief financiers for al Qaeda...[/a]
[a href=""]Reveal:  Saudis repeatedly urge US attack on Iran...[/a]
[a href=""]Now Australian police investigate Assange...[/a]
[a href=""]France:  Leaks threaten democracy...[/a]
[a href=""]Rep King:  Website leaks are terrorism...[/a]            

If the US and other nations weren't involved in double-dealing, dirty tricks, unethical practices, and generally bad behavior there wouldn't be much to worry about. But they have (and so have the other nations, quite obviously).

The politicians may scream and yell about how this "endangers" certain groups, but I think the world has a right to know what the people in power are doing. Period, end of story.

They destroy our freedom and privacy whenever they feel like it, and when someone complains they always say the same thing: "If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear."

Well, if they're not doing anything wrong, then they have "nothing to fear", right?

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


I'm with you all the way, TehBorken. Obviously 'they' are been terrorised by truth - which more or less says it all.  
A fool's paradise is better than none.