[em][/em] [/p]mmm I have some reserve about that type of quick association, but anyway he was there and saw the older boulders to compare the local style. Probably some other boulders have more typical figure of the bronze age on them with the same type of carving. Rock art is almost impossible to date because of the absence of organic material. Yes I can't recall the exact aspect(s) on which he made his judgement I assume it was a collection of things. But he seemed pretty certain about that one. Others in the area he was less certain.
[/p] It makes sense indeed, but what about the second floor? I only saw one floor yurt. And this carving is definitly made with a knife, much younger than the one under probably. Actually it's border line of being categorized as a graffiti.
Yes you to the best of my knowlege they are only one floor - Ghengis used to travel in a mobile ger - on a huge oxcart. (that might make him the very first trailer park guy!?!?) You can make them quite large - I've been in one that was perhaps 20m in diameter. Most are 3-5m in diameter.