Breastfeeding here isn't as big as in the UK. There was an area where I lived, the SW19 postal code area, where every mom was breastfeeding and bottled babies where minimal. Everywhere I went, there would be moms breastfeeding, even in classes, seminars, at work, malls, outside of malls, subways, everywhere! This was years ago and it could've changed.
I'm a believer in breastfeeding a baby but to just plop out that boob and expose it and then make a deal out of it, just doesn't seem right. I would breastfeed, but in private, with some sort of cloth to cover it or your shirt to cover it as much as possible.
Even I get disturbed when I see a women just sitting there with the bra open and boob popping out with this toddler and just breastfeeding. Covering it up would be much preferred. You're in public..not at home.
I honestly don't know what the big deal was when the mother was offered a change room. I would've taken it graciously and apologetic if I disturbed anyone.