Lost My Wallet

Started by Headache, Jun 03 08 03:37

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Just looking for any suggestions, in case I missed something. I lost my wallet last night. This was in an area known for homelessness, etc. I know for a fact it's gone, as I have looked every possible place, and it was when I was at a coffee place in the area (Whalley), that I last remember seeing it in my jacket. It may well have been stolen. But my question: I immediately cancelled my mastercard, medical card, another credit card, bank card (there was no pin # in my wallet), and notifed the motor vehicle branch about my drivers licence. I had a couple blank cheques in the wallet, but that's probably my biggest worry. The bank can't put a stop on them unless I know the exact # on them, which I don't. Can anyone suggest anything else I need to take into consideration? I'm not looking for  smart-ass replys, just any serious suggestions anyone might have.

Lil Me

Sounds like you covered all the bases.  Sorry to hear about your loss/theft.
 Maybe get a credit bureau report in a few months, in case someone used your ID to get credit somewhere?
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


I think if my bank wasn't willing to put a stop payment on the cheques, I would request to withdraw all monies and close the account.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Lazy Bones Orik

 P.C. wrote:
I think if my bank wasn't willing to put a stop payment on the cheques, I would request to withdraw all monies and close the account.

i agree with what pc said..

after i lost my id wallet credit cards bank cards security id...
i went to the bank vancity. those imediatly closed the account oppend a new one with a new account number mad arangments to transfer all my automaitc bill payments put a flag on my ccount to call me if anyone tried to become me  identity thieves and all...  contacted the police department... my office  ... and u can check with ur bank opn how to keep a eye on ur credit rating so if anyone is doing anything untoward u will know about it imediatly.. the medical card is a good idea to check on as well... and god forbid if u had ur sin card in ur wallet getting a new sin number is brutal process to go through. a replacement card is easy but a whole new number is a pain in the ass.



Sorry to hear about losing your wallet. It's a horrible feeling and I know it all too well.

  I agree with what PC say, close that account and start another one if the bank won't cancel those blank cheques with you.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I wouldn't just close it down and open a new one.....I would do it at a different bank.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Lil Me

I lost my watch last weekend.  But my dad found it at his place :) and :(
 It's a $30 Timex that I've had for 10 years.
 I starting to think about a new watch- Mr LM was going to get me one in the duty free store.
 But....back to the comfortable old watch
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


An update: 2 days after my wallet goes missing, some hardcore homeless street type guy, shows up at my place with my missing wallet. He said he found it a couple blocks away on the side of the road. The wallet had clearly been ripped apart, and everything stuffed back in. Everything is there including the blank checks, except for all the cash, the mastercard and the medical (both cards of which I had cancelled, so I guess I have nothing to worry about there? ) He says he wanted a reward for returning it. I suspected he may have been the one who went through it, but whatever. He demanded 40$, and he wasn't backing down, so I figure ok buddy, here's 40$. I guess I should be grateful I got back what I did, but the whole thing just kind of burns me. Most of all, I'm kind of ticked off at myself for losing it in the first place.


AT least you got it back.. the 40 bucks you paid to the homeless guy if it irks you.. was money well spent. You got back the stuff that you were worried somebody could have been using. Its worth the 40 for the peace of mind that although they were cancelled, you have em back.

  Now that you have them back, have you tried to cancell the new cards you ordered and reactivate the old ones?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I would have no problem giving 40 bucks to a homeless person.

  I would have no problem giving a reward for the return of my wallet.

  I DO have a problem with a DEMANDED reward, complete with a specified amount. It would knock down the appreciation factor a notch or two.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I'm with agreement with PC.



I have to agree with PC as well. A specific demanded reward kind of ticked me off. But I figured that this guy knew where I lived, and although I might have got it back for a lesser amount, after some haggling, who knows what he might have done if he had left pissed off.  ie a rock through my front window at 3 in the morning for example.  


And no, I'm not a DVer. I don't have time for the crap on that site. This is a true recollection of what actually happened.


Not sure Headache......but I got the impression Michel was referring to the guy who returned the wallet.

   ....and I agree with you.  You feel kind of obligated to meet the demand for fear of retribution.  Almost a security issue at that point.[/DIV]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.