Incredible....has Sherri Shepphard never seen a globe, never seen a picture of the Earth in her entire life, never heard a mention of the world being round?
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"] One of the co-hosts of The View, Sherri Sheppherd, said she didn't believe in evolution so co-host Whoopi Goldberg asked her if she believed the world was flat or round. [a href="vny!://"]She wasn't able to answer, using the excuse that she was too busy being a good little housewife[/a] to think about complicated things like matters that science settled hundreds of years ago. Amazing. Partial transcript:[/p] [blockquote] WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Is the world flat?[/p] SHERRI SHEPHERD: Is the world flat? (laughter)[/p] GOLDBERG: Yes.[/p] SHEPHERD: ...I Don't know.[/p] GOLDBERG: What do you think?[/p] SHEPHERD: I... I never thought about it, Whoopi. Is the world flat? I never thought about it.[/p] BARBARA WALTERS: You've never thought about whether the world was round or flat?[/p] SHEPHERD: I tell you what I've thought about. How I'm going to feed my child–[/p] WALTERS: Well you can do both.[/p] SHEPERD: I'm going to take care of my family. The world, is the world flat has never entered into, like that has not been an important thing to me.[/p] ELIZABETH HASSELBECK: You'll teach your son, Jeffery, right?[/p] SHEPHERD: If my son, Jeffery, asks me 'is the world flat,' I guess I would go...[/p] JOY BEHAR: You know, didn't some person already work this question out? I mean, why are we doing this again? (laughter, applause) [/p][/blockquote] [a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]