Nexus wrote:
Ever notice: Canada customs tend to let the rich people driving expensive cars who are looking pretty, glitzy, or fashionable get away with not paying duty when just going to the US for like a day even though they may have spent like $400 in one day while common or average peoeple tend to go inside for small amounts?
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]No, I haven't noticed that. I've been shopping in the States for a couple of times and have spent, in total as a group, nearly $500 at times and most of the other times were around $200. I know that I'm just one example amongst everyone else who has been to the border and back but I didn't have to pay. My friends who have spent more than me didn't have to pay extra.
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]Y'know, it might work if some cute asian chick was with a white guy in a Lexus with a chiwawa! *sarcasm* Next time, borrow the asian girl next door who has a chiwawa and a prada purse. Give her some gucci perfume and you might be set to go. Tell them you're heading to the Casinos. Better luck next time, eh?