Do women that wear the burka have to remove it to get passport pictures? What about nuns that wear head coverings? If so, then off with the derned turban.
Blah, this whole religious and cultural freedom in Canada has gone too far. Places where neither English or French are used. Demands that gyms cover up their windows so their pious men are not "tempted" by skimpily clad women. Demands to bring use Sharia, Catholic and Jewish faith-based tribunals in family law instead of Canada's laws. Demands to wear the hajib during soccer games or the kirpan to school. A Hasidic man refusing to listen to a female police officer.
I didn't like it when the RCMP had to change their uniform to accommodate the turban. You want to be a Mountie, then wear the uniform as it was before the changes, and wear the turban when you're not in uniform. We've yet to see a female Mountie demand to wear the burka or hajib, but that's not far off.
It is okay if you want to practice your religion or culture in private, whether you're native-born or immigrant, when it comes to the public good, follow your country's secular laws and adapt to secular society without forcing your religion on others and expecting the country's laws and society to change or adapt to your religion or culture.