[h2]Free Dildo - no joke - seems like higher tech model -works[/h2]
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Date: 2007-07-26, 5:55PM PDT
I some how aquired a dildo. my friend was moving and he put it in a box of stuff that he gave me(nice guy). I never used it but did turn it on to see how these things operate. It seems to work and can see how a female can get some enjoyement out of this. This is not a joke and it is free. Assuming someone would clean it before using it it is as good as new. I would give it to a girl I know but that would be a little awkward. If there's no taker's I'll throw it out in the morning. Not to worry I won't tell the world about this. Anyways e-mail me with your phone number and I call you as soon as I get it. [table summary="craigslist hosted images"][tbody] [tr] [td align="center"]
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