One of my best freinds went to emergency surgery last night for a "prolapsed rectum". Yes, it's every bit as bad as it sounds. He ended up going to two surgeries as the first one wasn't sufficient.
To make things even better, he was about to move out of the US to Belize (in 3 days!), so me and a few other folks got to go over his place and pack up all -and I do mean
all- of his stuff for storage.
Then I find out I'm the [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]sucker[/span] kind and caring soul they picked to "temporarily" hang on to his two [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]poop generators[/span] darling kitties "for a few weeks".
So not only did I get to schlep a shitload of heavy boxes around but I also have two very pissed off cats here who are not liking this whole deal one little bit. Right now they're shredding my couch, so I guess that's god's way of telling me that my furniture is too nice. lol
I can't wait to see him in the hospital- the jokes for this little episode are just kicking at the door trying to get out. It's gonna be brutal, but how often will I get a chance like this?

Now help me think of some tasteful butt jokes.