The "I have nothing Interesting to Say" Thread

Started by Lise, Feb 06 07 02:40

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I have nothing interesting to say today so I'll just post a pic instead...

  [img style="WIDTH: 433px; HEIGHT: 383px" src="" width=433 height=440]  


Through an informal scientific study, I discovered that I need less sleep in colder climates (basement) then I do warmer climates (upstairs bedroom). This may explain why I was fine after 5-6hrs of sleep in Vancouver (colder, slept with the window open 365 etc) and hit the snooze button here.    
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


It's my Italian exam next week.  
A fool's paradise is better than none.


God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!

Lil Me

Gopher wrote:
 It's my Italian exam next week.   --

 Good luck, Goph!  How many languages do you know?

"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Lil Me wrote:
Gopher wrote:
 It's my Italian exam next week.   --

 Good luck, Goph!  

  ^ What she said  =)


Nice Goph!

I've had insomnia since school ended.

Tony Blair came out of the Tory closet in his memoir.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 Oh is that news worthy ? I thought he was a Torey in heart soiled soul and all. but what does a man's political out look matter ? I used to be Socred in my heart.. Not sure how that came to be my parents where more aligned to the NDP at that time & our political view points differed a fair bit. I am not sure at what point I started to listen to and then moved on to be a bit of supporter of progressive conservatives it was around 1992 maybe a bit earlier than 93 at any rate.

Looking back I probably should of gone on to follow CAP (Canadian Action Party) I guess they were a bit more believable to me at that time... but I hadn't  In all honesty I was a partial back woods follower of the Liberals. With some respect for the new democrats but not much. After many years I Had become completely disillusioned with the Social credit party, the NDP, CAP, Librerals & Conservatives...

During the Last Election, I voted Green out of sheer spite, Why, I did so at that point? Now that is hard to say, I probably did so cause there was no better choice's at that time.At least no better choices that appealed to me. Why did I vote Green.. Even though I knew they stood a Snowballs chance in hell of winning a single seat. Probably because they were the only party that wanted to make change in the way things are run..

Today or these days, I  am such a disillusioned voter with all politicians, I have no faith in a single word any of them says.. I maintain no firm beliefs in any political party  I can not even say i would support the green party any more thats how far my disillusion has run. .

To be honest  if they had not come to me i would of not voted at all... and that is municipal.. it is worse Cause i have also lost hope beyond provincial to all things federal... Anyways back to the vote...during the last election, municipal at the time & I voted from my hospital bed. At least they came room to room and went, bed to bed to take persons votes.

However if they had not of done that, I would not of gone out to vote at all.. What matters democracy if you don't go out and vote...

Today if an election was held would I go out to vote.. Sadly that is highly doubtful. The main reason being, there's nothing worth voting for.. I am no longer thrilled or enthralled by a single leader of any of the fornicating choices.. How do you vote for some one, when all you want to do is line the politicians up against a brick wall and have them shot..

Maybe one day there will arise a political candidate that can sway me, One that can win my heart back. One that can get me off my ass and to feel alive once more.. One candidate that can lift my belief in humanity and in the government out of the sewers and back to the road...But until that time I shall sit and probably cast my vote for ????..

Just one problem I don't know who that is... And right now the only party worth voting for is none of the above...... I have lost all faith in the Canadian electorate and in the government system. I have lost faith in the courts & in our justice system.

There is nothing to vote for.. Fills a bottle of vodka with petrol and a rag.. and firebombs the house of commons... I am just kidding, I would never vote with violence.. but some times I look at Russ's Avatar and say if only they did that more often...

What would happen to politicians & political parties...If they got shot every time they got caught in a scandal that hurt the people they are supposed to represent.

Who do you Vote for and why ?  Just Why do you vote ?  I know why I used to vote... I just no longer know who to vote for... What are you supposed to do when you lose hope in a system and a way of life how do you gain that spark of life back..

How do you change from being apathetic and dead to lively and full of hope... there is not one politcal standard I can stand up for and say I support them... I can believe in them. They can make a difference... Except there is none any more...

Now it is all the same, a gigantic political circus...Complete with mud slinging, back stabbing, thieving scoundrels, lying low life's and lets not forget the inglorious bastards who are often caught in sensational scandals...  God Bless Canada.. cause as it stands right now it is going to hell...
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Sportsdude wrote:
Nice Goph!

I've had insomnia since school ended.

Tony Blair came out of the Tory closet in his memoir.


 A very brief emergence assuredly, Tory Bliar will be back in it before he can tell the next lie.


A fool's paradise is better than none.


I don't really want to vote this year too, Orik. I'd never would vote for the Republicans, but I've never felt ideologically inclined with the Democrats either. Damn battleground status for this state is annoying. I'd vote Green otherwise, if they were competent (usually they are not).  

I probably won't vote in any of the state wide races. The local referendums on property tax increases for the local school districts so that kids can have new computers are more important anyway. That's what I'll vote for.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I have never voted in one electioin where I could honestly think that the party I was voted for had a) absolute integrity or b) was worthy of my vote.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


I've been in party politics for too long and know too many political leaders (I have even been on campaign buses), but early on I realized that I was being isolated through political manoeuvres which I found annoying. I found within the party structure, there was literally nobody in my supposed 'camp'. I found this odd, as I could get 100 random people on the street to agree with my vision of society in about 5 minutes.

I am politically more in common with 'Ontario Liberals' from Ontario-Quebec than I am with Blairites within my group from BC. Conversely, the supposed 'Liberals' in BC are merely Republicans in liberal clothing (and they are convinced they are not, when they actually are).

My breaking point was the provincial election where I found myself debating environmental policies with locals on election day in trying to get them out to vote (they didn't, they were convinced 'we' had left them).

This is odd because a) I care too much b) I'm not Canadian, yet.

Bill Blaikie was a good one. If the world was of Bill Blaikie's politics wouldn't have such a bad name.

In general though, politics is a strange sport as its a sales job now. The problem I see from the party I'm affiliated with -- is that we're great people, who you would want as neighbours or a friend, but lack that salesman/corporate like demeanour everyone seems to vote for now. Politics loss I guess, but it's the truth if you ever get to know some of these people.

The most normal human being as politician that I know, and have gotten to know, on a personal basis, is Jack Layton; but you wouldn't know that from television. Jack has no handlers for example. The Liberals have a giant posse that follow their respective leaders around like kings, and Harper is in power, so you'd never get within a foot of him. I spent last year drinking with Jack at a pub with his fraternity (and then they started singing songs and such). lol
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 That little plastic dodad in the base of my Sony walkman came out in the usb power cable. =( which I didn't notice. So when I plugged it back in to charge my Walkman I bent the flaming small pins.. Now it wont charge and the piece is so flaming small and the area needed to be repaired so cramped, I have no way to fix this without a set of micro tool's  and a giant magnifying glass...

Since this was a Christmas gift  I have no receipt, & with out a receipt, I can not even send it back to sony to repair or replace on the warranty. .. even Worse yet  even if i did have the flaming reciept as proof of purchase, Sony wants 29 dollars to cover the cost of replacing it.  9 with a refurbished unit.. they can not guarantee I will even receive my Mp3 player back.. So technically they could send me some scratched one with no screen protector on it or a flaming different coloured one in exchange & I can't do nothing about it..

here is the kicker..brand new on amazon this exact same mp3 player sells for 50 dollars...  I think it is time for a Newegg or Walmart special to replace this piece of junk..I just don't like I wont be able to transfer my music off the MP3 player or the videos I have on it.. blah..  

I am so angry  and disapointed in Sony workmanship... so much for Quality.. If this is what all there products are now like I say Buy Something form the competition Instead.. SONY Sucks..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


I had a wonderful birthday and am now looking forward to my birthday trip.


Happy belated birthday Natasha!  Where's your birthday trip???!!!!

  I woke up this morning wishing I had more sleep.
