This ice block filled with apples provide the bear with both amusement and sport (plus it makes his teeth grow stronger). The [a href="vny!://"]zoo trainers[/a] leave this big blocks of iced food to change the environment and to make the animals play:[/p] [blockquote][em]We also provide our polar bear with enrichment, or stimulation to her environment. This is accomplished by introducing new objects into her exhibit, scatter feeding, and placing objects in her pool. Examples of this are giving her fish or fruit pops (ice with food frozen in it), giving her large objects to interact with (barrels, logs, tubes, balls), or scattering treats throughout her exhibit. These activities give her both mental and physical stimulation. Visitors also have a chance to see hunting, swimming, and other behaviors that are natural to polar bears[/em][/p][/blockquote] See more bear toys [a href="vny!://"]here[/a]. Found in [a href="vny!://"]My Confined Space[/a] [/p]