Man shot while waiting in line for PS3

Started by Lise, Nov 17 06 01:56

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I should have bought a system and sold online for $2,000. The thought did cross my mind, Russ... the same as yours but oh well. Too late.

  You play Xbox too? What's your fav? Mine's gotta be Halo. I'm the type that shoots now, asks questions later.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Sweet! Someone else that likes Halo! I played that for a while but went onto Halo 2, much better, you can have two weapons and not just one. We have game nights at my place once every week or two with my friends. I have a 46 inch tv that can be split into two or four different screens with surround sound. Its wicked with it being that big cause you can actually see it. Its funny to be playing and then when someone else whacks you, you get out of your chair and wrestle them to the ground as the other two hammer your characters, lol.

If you liked that you would probably like Mercenaries or Medal of Honour, I love those other games. Dont buy any mechwarrior or the Sims games, they suck, well to me anyhow.

  I have about 30 games now, and dont play often at all! I used to play alot but now I only seem to play about once or twice a week.    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Booyah! Da Master Chief rules!!!

  I love the second Halo and adore the two weapons control. I also like the fact you can jump onto your enemy's spacecraft and kick the snitzhel outta him. Very nice. Am looking forward to Halo 3. Fingers cross I can still play it on my current Xbox.

  Check out the trailer for Halo 3 if you haven't already:

[A href=""][/A]

  Yep. Know about the four screens with multiplayer. Man, you tend to get really competitive there. And I'm supposed to be a lady. Heck, not when you're playing against guys.

  Not sure about Mechwarriors(??) but I do have MechAssault. Could not get pass Level 2 and gave up. Fracken game.

  I'm more into the RPG, as in Gauntlet and Dungeons and Dragons. Those are my favorite. My husband loves playing them too so we co-op in most gameplay. Tried Prince of Persia - fantastic software by Ubisoft (and they're Canadian too!) but have no time to finish playing. With the kids and all, my Xbox is starting to collect dust bunnies.

  Another game I love is Dead of Alive. Love the graphics but feel they could improve on longer gameplay. BTW, there's a movie coming out base on this game which my hubby is looking forward to watching. Girls with bouncing.... cough cough.... can't pass this one up.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Metal Gear Solid 2/3/4 are better/will be better than Halo 1/2/3.  Storyline is much better, Solid Snake kicks more ass than the character for Halo (Spartan is it called?), but most of all... what other game can you lay porn mags on the ground to distract the guards??? And the best racing game series is also for the PS: Gran Turismo (if you're into those).  


I actually havent tried metal gear, Ill give it a go thanks Marik.

  I didnt know there was an H3 coming out! Saweet! Thanks Lise! IF H3 is as good as the other two and is on the 360 only ill buy it just for that. That being said my G/F and I have an 'in' with a friend.. we are getting a pair of Nintendo wii's tomorrow. Hes got them but Im too lazy to get them tongiht.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


 I know I'm breaking my little rule about not posting but I'm thinking about this Wii thing.
Plus it looks like you could get exercise from it lol.
[a href=""][/a]

but right now I'm not in a gamer mood lately.

Didn't know you were such a gamer Lise? cool.  Gaming just isn't for teenagers anymore. Lots of girls I know play video games as well
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


yeah you get exercise from them, from I read on stats on em.

  Also with teh interactive moveable with feedback controllers they are the true next generation of gaming. The PS3 although new is last generation, in the same category as the the xbox, xbox 360 and ps3.

  The wii is super smart. The graphix are not as good as the PS3, but they are HALF the price, faster with the lesser graphix and they are next generation.

  Wait a bit then get one. Im only looking at one cause of a friend
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I'm not into car racing as much. I find them a bit too boring for me.

  The Wii console is aimed at the generation who grew up playing Zelda and Mario Bros. Not just this generation but they're attempting to attract the ladies as well, something Sony and Microsoft has not tapped into. I'm not sure about the Wii as Nintendo hasn't done all that well in the gaming wars (apart from the handheld consoles) but for the price you pay, you can't go wrong

  Let us know how the gameplay go, Russ. I missed playing my old games on the N64. I remember playing Mario Kart and Mace way, way, way back then.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


For some reason I love the boringness of car racing games. I've done a couple 24hr races on Grand Turismo. Thank god though for auto pilot mode. Because after 5hrs I get bored.  Atleast when I used to play the nascar games I had 43 cars to pass. GT only has 6 cars. meh, it can get boring.
Same with the football games. When you blow every team out by 100 points it gets monotness.
I do play those first person shooters sometimes but man those freak me out sometimes with the graphics.
Favourite game I like is Prince of Persia. That game is super hard though. Same with Metal Gear another hard game.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Future Canadian

I think you have to be a car nut to really get into games like Gran Turismo, since it is more a simulator and less like a "game". I'll admit that from the outside it looks quite dull. (It is fun to "drive" the old Nurburgring isn't it SD?)
I have fond memories of the N64 too. Reminds me of our old apartment when our oldest was but a wee (wii?) tike. The sounds of Mario and Zelda take me right back.
I think Nintendo has it right and will always be around in one form or another since they focus on the fun, and they make enough so that every one can buy one.
...religion has made some contributions to civilization. It helped in the early days to fix the calendar, and it caused Egyptian priests to chronicle ecplipses with such care that in time they were able to predict them. These two services I am prepared to acknowledge, but I do not know of any others


 I am a big car guy FC.
For example only die hards can sit down and beat GT I've done that. Nordschleife rules just takes forever (8 minutes a lap although I've done it under 8 in an audi A8 supercar).  Problem is it just gets boring if your not racing anyone and you pass all the cars before the first corner. lol....
GT5 is apparently going to fix the old car problem by adding like 30 something cars to a race instead of 6. And they said they're going to add damage. Don't know how they're going to do that since they licence name plates. (long story)

But its a 'racing simulator' its the nearest thing you can get to the real thing.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I like cars and all, but I suppose the biggest reason I play GT4 is because I can listen to music I (illegally) downloaded from the internet while I play.  But what gets me is that you can't play all the tracks you've unlocked when you select the 2 player mode. Is it really that hard to put all the tracks under those 4 categories? That was the biggest disappointment for me. And I can't be bothered to do that confusing LAN race thing...

Sportsdude: I actually said out loud, "NO WAY!" when I read that you tried the 24 hour endurance race... did you win?


yeah beat it a couple of times actually.  Lapped the competition by 25 laps or so. What you do is you run a lap pass everyone then go into the pits change it to b-spec mod (computer auto pilot) and increase the sim to x3. Problem is your tires wear out after a couple laps and the instant you go back out the sim doesn't go back to x3 but regular mode.

What I ended up doing was starting the game before I went to work at night around midnight. But it on b-spec went to work came back at around 5 checked it, then went to sleep woke up around 1pm checked it again, went to the mall, then out to eat came back and finished the 24hr race in 12 to 14 hrs only did a couple laps because like I said it can get very boring.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I'm buying the Wii for me and my sister for christmas looks like too much fun:

[a href="" target="_blank"][/a]

[a href="" target="_blank"][/a]

[a href="" target="_blank"][/a]

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


My girlfriend grabbed the Wii without me already but it didnt make it to my place. She holed up at her place with her brother to play it.

  Ill steal it over here soon enough and give an update.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims
