Can't recognized Pee Wee? Here's a good old mug shot of him when he was arrested.

[H1]Pee-wee Herman[/H1] [H2]aka Paul Reubens[/H2]
Face it, Paul will always be known as Pee-wee. Following the 1991 arrest, Pee-wee became an unperson.
Playhouse reruns were yanked, Pee-wee's star was taken off the Hollywood Walk of Fame (actually this is just urban legend, but consider it repeated here as fact), and his wax likeness in the
Los Angeles Movieland Wax Museum melted down for the sake of moral purity.
Actor's TimeLine:
[TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right]
26 Jul 1991[/TD] [TD vAlign=top][FONT size=-1]Actor Paul Reubens (aka "Pee-wee Herman") is arrested in Sarasota, Florida for [A href="vny!://"]jacking off[/A] twice with his left hand inside the South Trail XXX Cinema. It was screening the triple feature
Catalina Five-O: Tiger Shark, Nancy Nurse, and
Turn Up The Heat. Following his masturbatorial debut, Reubens loses his children's television show and product endorsements.[/FONT][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right]
5 Sep 1991[/TD] [TD vAlign=top][FONT size=-1]Disgraced children's television star Pee-wee Herman returns to the public eye for the first time after his [A href="vny!://"]masturbation[/A] arrest, appearing on the MTV Video Music Awards. He opens with the line:
"Heard any good jokes lately?"[/FONT][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right]
16 Nov 2001[/TD] [TD vAlign=top][FONT size=-1]The LAPD searches Reubens' Hollywood Hills home and confiscates some personal computers, along with 30,000 pieces of his expansive collection of vintage erotica.[/FONT][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right]
15 Nov 2002[/TD] [TD vAlign=top][FONT size=-1]Paul Reubens is charged with a single misdemeanor count of possessing materials depicting children under the age of 18 engaged in sexual conduct.[/FONT][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right]
19 Mar 2004[/TD] [TD vAlign=top][FONT size=-1]Paul Reubens pleads guilty to a single count of posessing obscene material.[/FONT][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
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