Puke Time

Started by TehBorken, Aug 21 06 03:21

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no mercy on poor paris.

  she has absolutely bathed in persona she has created for herself over the years and surely perpetuated the "stupid image" herself that people have of her.

  don't doubt it for a minute,she loves it.

  her music sucks,her acting sucks,her modeling sucks.

  she is a socialite doing whatever that career entails.

    maybe she would obtain respect (if that's what she wants) if she proceeded to play a role in running the hilton empire,some role any role,but no she chooses to be what she is,(which in my opinion is nothing) simply because the wealth is already there for her created by her family's work and the thousands of hilton hotel employees.

  otherwise she is paris.    


tenkani:   It really isn't her fault what she's become, considering the environment, but the fact that someone like her has become so famous says a lot about pop culture.

I have to say, I heard about 30 seconds of one of her tracks and was surprised. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. It just sounded like typical pop pabulum. She can sing at least as well as Britney Spears and is much sexier.

I hate myself for posting that.

  Welllllll, if nothing else, I'd have to say I think she is quite the beauty.  If  not beautiful, at the very least, sexy.  So to some extent, I agree with your view........don't hate yourself tenkani...lol.   But to say I LIKE her, would be an extreme stretch.  There is so little substance...to like or dislike.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


P.C. wrote:

 I didn't pass any judgement on you, Adam.  It is merely an observation.  I think your notion that those who use a handle are cowards, is closer to a judgement.  

I don't think that a person is a coward for merely using a handle, but someone who hides behind a handle and attacks other people is a coward.

 Again, for the record, I'll repeat that I like Paris Hilton.   So there.



tenkani wrote:
It really isn't her fault what she's become, considering the environment, but the fact that someone like her has become so famous says a lot about pop culture.

 I have to say, I heard about 30 seconds of one of her tracks and was surprised. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. It just sounded like typical pop pabulum. She can sing at least as well as Britney Spears and is much sexier.

 I hate myself for posting that.

While I wholeheartedly agree that it says more about pop culture than about Paris Hilton, I don't accept the implication that she's become something horrible  On the contrary, Paris Hilton is a talented, funny person, who's positive, creative, and progressive. She also has a sense of humor, and pokes fun at pop culture and her fortuitous circumstances.

 (That said, I wouldn't want to date her)



LOL. I hope we're all being trolled     :)  
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


i dont have a huge problem with paris. she is after all in the worlds record for 2007...

  [FONT color=#0000ff]Ms. Hilton[/FONT] has made it into the 2007 Guinness Book of World Records, but it may not be for a reason she'd particularly enjoy. While [A href="http://www.tmz.com/photos/tom-cruise/"]Britney Spears[/A] or [A href="http://www.tmz.com/photos/tom-cruise/"]Tom Cruise[/A] were probably somewhere close behind, [A href="http://tmz.com/photos/paris-hilton"]Paris[/A] takes the crown for our favorite record ever -- Most Overrated Person.


Paris is a talentless, vacuous twit and yes, she's totally overrated, although a lot of those who devote their time to her claim it's because they like to laugh at her stupidity. I can sort of see that. IMO she's like a better looking William Hung. He had the good grace to fall out of the public eye after a relatively short time though.

P.S. I've been known to masterbate to Paris Hilton's sex video so I'm in no position to judge really.
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I don't have too much to add... I do think that Paris is very attractive and is stunning to look at.  She has a different kind of beauty.

I don't know her or have met her in person to really comment on what kind of a person she is.  I do feel that some times, she really does try her best to impress people and her fans around her.

As for her singing, I've only heard that one song, Stars Are Blind and can say that it sounds like Brittany.  There's no tonation in her voice.  Well, it's a good time to bring out a single because really, she has no competition.  Brittany is pregant and I don't see her back in music for a while.  Paris might as well take advantage of this.  

P.S.  Gwen Stefani is hot!


ugh Paris Hilton. Only person ever to get famous of a sex tape. I wish her 15 minutes of fame would end.  Same with Kevin Federline. Anybody see that train wreck on the Teen Choice Awards. lol is he pathetic.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


[span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]"OH SHOOT, TENKANI!"[/span]

Yes, mistress!!  
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.

Madam Fulford

Again, for the record, I'll repeat that I like Paris Hilton.   So there.

Christ, you're even shallower than I would have predicted.

Mad Old Fraud

Madam Fulford, do you wait up all night for Adam with a rolling pin in your hand?


[FONT color=#0000bf]Oh, wow.  I've missed some challenging philosophical discourse.  I was helping an actor prepare for The Undead, a great cinematic gem that will be cherished alongside such masterpieces as Ninja Busters.[/FONT]

 purelife wrote:

 I don't know her or have met her in person to really comment on what kind of a person she is.  

[FONT color=#0000bf]She's disarmingly pleasant, charming, and funny in person. [/FONT]

 P.S.  Gwen Stefani is hot!

 [FONT color=#0000bf]I agree with you there.  Lava hot.  See -- with some soul-searching, people can find common ground![/FONT]



[span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"]Adam!!!!![/span]

For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.