So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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well lise just think when they learn to go to the restroom themselves your life will be so much easier. :)  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I dunno. When my mother started letting me into the washroom on my own she was worried cause I would try to climb out the window. seriously.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Climb out the window? Are you saying your loo is close to the bathroom window?

  I just can't wait till the kids are willing enough to go to the toilet by themselves. It's such a chore cleaning diapers. The amount of diapers we go thru makes me wince each time I think about it.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.



oh gosh thats the funniest thing I've heard all day.

Never had that problem my bathrooms have never had windows.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 When I was younger I used to like to climb up on things to see what was on top or on the other side. My mother has a story she tells to all of her cronies about the time I was asleep in my crib with teh bedroom door locked shut(her side) and the window locked securely from teh inside. I climbed out of the crib/bed, across the floor, up the dresser which had two drawers open, and partway up the back was a diaper bag. I crawled into it and fell asleep.

My mother came in, could find me, the window was locked and the door was too... she went bonkers calling everyone, getting my dad home from work, and was tearing the room apart. Dont remember if she called the cops or not.. She yelled at my dad when he got there, and he started yelling back.. thats when I was woken up and started crying.

After that there was nothing left in my room I could climb or hide in and I was 'securely' in the crib.

      The window thing at home was dealt with pretty quickly, it was when we would go out somewhere and I would go into the public washrooms that she would be worried. Many a person would wonder if she was a pervert when she would look into the boys washroom.[/DIV]
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Oh wow, what a story, Russ.  That's very interesting.  I've never heard of little babies wanting to crawl up and out to escape their crib.  They usually climb out and onto the ground, and rarely have I heard of them wanting to go up to the window.  Thanks for sharing.


Oh wow. Now I'm scared of my kids doing that..........
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


just lock the windows Lise if your worried or have the window closed.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


how was everyone's dinner?  

  i had an egg salad sandwich.


I had Pizza Hut  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


how in the heck do you eat a hut made out of pizza?  


lol pl.

Its part of americana.

Pizza Hut.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


i know pizza hut.  i used to waitress there.  ssshhh..don't tell.


oh you did? awesome! Did your hut have a buffet or was it just a regular sit down?  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


it had a buffet as well as a sit down restaurant.  yup, those were the good 'ol days.
