So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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lol wrong thread Russ
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Hehe. That's funny cute, Russ.

  Nope. I don't watch any of my anime with my kids. They're too..... how shall I put it delicately, violent.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Good Morning Kitten, hidden user, and everybody else won't be around today got a lot of school work to do determined to just end this long nightmare.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Good morning everyone.

  How's your morning going?  I might have pho for lunch today or at least, some form of soup.


Morning right back atchya! and a good morning to everyone else..

  I love being woken up and told can you drive me to work? We leave now...

  My morning experiences so far, lol. In vehicle driving, find out no lighter cause I was hustled out the door, crap. Look for corner stores on way and the two that I saw that said open, were actually still closed when I had pulled over and walked up. Grr. So after dropping her off I saw a 7-11 on the way back, I pull over and get out.. and slip and fall hard on my rear. Hmm. Get into the store and theres no one in there but two workers. No ones behind the till. After four minutes, I go up to the closest employee, excuse me can you help me. The guy responds, no! its not my turn its <insert other guys name here>. The other guy responds angrily; NO! its <first guys name here>. Then they start argueing in some other language. Jeebus, I just wanna lighter.

Finally guy one decides to help me, so he glares at me from behind the counter. I ask for some matches (easier at this point just give him a quarter, otherwise I have to use interac). "No! We no give matches away!".

Hmm, 'OK, heres a quarter can I get a pack now."

He takes the quarter, rummages under the counter and responds"no matches", keeping my quarter.

I ask for a lighter then, pulling out my interac. He looks at me and then grabs for my wallet! I stop him in a way he knows thats a no no, and say "what do you think you are doing".

He at this point calls the other guy over and tells him Im underaged because I refused to show him ID, should he call the police?

Im laughing at this point. I tell him to give me my money back and to sell me a lighter.

He smugly tells me Im underaged and he wont sell to me.

I respond that he's an idiot, he didnt ask to see my ID jsut grabbed for my wallet, that he has stolen money from me, and that you do not require ID to buy matches or a lighter.

The best part at this point, is that the other guy had come over and had been watching. Told the first guy he was in the wrong.. big arguement in some other language.

  Two minutes later the first guy throws a pack of matches onto the counter in front of me, gives me 15 cents change and walks off. The Second guy gives me a smile. What a good start to a day, lol.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


OMG LOVE your stories Russ.  You lead an interesting life.  LOL!  I need some skytrain stories or something.  I don't have many.  :P

  HAHAHHAHA!  oh, 7-11's.  Do you think that it would've been different if you were a female, an attractive one?  I think that it would be damn dangerous for a female to be in there with two male employees.      


Probably PL. Alot of the people they hire are anyone off the streets. I wouldnt and obviously dont trust half the guys in there.

  LOL, it all depends on how you see the happenings on the skytrain. I remember when I rode the skytrain there was always something happening on there.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


What?  Always something happenning?  Well, once in a while, this lady starts preaching and telling everybody to stop smoking and wearing so much perfume/cologne.  She would ask the guys "Do you smoke?"  and then start to give this long lecture abuot why not to smoke.  Then, she would start to sing something that included the words "I hate canadians, they are rude, they are mean, they are arrogant..etc."  We just LOL!  Oh, it's funny!  I haven't seen her for months now.  

  Other than that, it's pretty boring.  The rush hour trains are pretty tame.  It's when I take the train at night when I see some interesting things.  And it's the time that I have to be most careful.    


See? there ya go.. now theres an upstanding citizen! Very involved in her fellow canadians around her. Giving them sound advice for their health, showing that she cares!

  Do you carry pepper spray or anything? I have a friend that actually called me a few nights ago wondering where to get some. WTF? Why would I know? I mean to get off my arse today and call Daves Surplus in New West and see if they have any there.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Ugh that lady is still around purelife? I hate people like that.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I thought that pepper spray was illegal to sell?  I heard that you can buy bear spray instead.  Nope, I don't carry one but I will buy one.  I just haven't gotten around to it.  If you find out, let me know too, k?  

  My guy once told me to carry a pocket knife.  I was like "no way."  I just can't poke anyone with it.  I'm way too nervous about doing that and me, I'd probably wnoder if he is okay.  


just put something is a spray bottle that would be easier I think then going out trying to buy pepper spray.

  Pocket knife isn't a good idea because if you are attacked and the attack somehow gets the pocket knife from you then you could have the tables turned against you and its considered a weapon as well in some places.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
Ugh that lady is still around purelife? I hate people like that.  

 Yup, still around.  I kinda miss her though.  I need something exciting to share. ;)

 I thought that you were studying?  Taking a break?



writers block

I have to write an essay on the theme's of Merchant of Venice. I've got no idea on where to start.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
