So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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It's exactly fondue - Chinese fondue.

  You don't have to buy the fancy hotpot thing that Russ described. You can use an electric wok though it doesn't have the same feel as an authentic one but if you're not too picky, it's perfectly ok. I use one myself.

  All you need is a can of chicken broth. Add can to water mixture, approximately 3 cups of water to one can. You can always add more water if you like but don't overfill because it might bubble and splash over. Put hotpot in the middle of the table.

  This will be your base soup. The more ingredients that you put in, the more flavorful the soup mixture will become.

  You can buy those pre-package soup mix in the Asian aisle, they're specially prepared for hotpot but I don't use them as I feel they're loaded with sodium and what-have-you-not.

  Then prepare side dishes and place them around the hotpot. Prawns, scallops, seafood, buck choi / sui choi (the veggie shown in the picture on the right), chicken/beef/pork/whatever balls (you can find them at your Chinese supermarket in the deli or frozen aisle) can also be used. You need very thin slices of meat to serve. These must be dipped briefly so they cook just right. If you over cook them, then they taste rubbery. Again these meats can be found in your Chinese supermarket.

  Other dishes to consider: tofu (silky), deep fried tofu (cut into slices), fish tofu, noodles... etc etc. You're only limited by your imagination.

  You'll need dipping sauces too. Soy sauce, chilli sauce, whatever you have.

  Set individual bowls out for each guests as well as their own chopsticks, soup spoon, dipping sauce bowls. I like to get these special looking "hotpot" nets that allow you to scoop the stuff out without the soup but you can also offer a big laddle. Doesn't matter. You can make do with whatver you have at home.

  Phew. This is the longest I've written! Easy, no?

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


mmmm Lise.

hey you still have that one website of yours with all those recipes right? I want to learn something really really basic.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sure thing.

  [A href=""][/A]    
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


oh thanks a bunch!

which cuisine is a good for beginners?
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Try the suggestions on the Chinese page if you want to go easy. They're not too bad to follow.

  Stir fry anything is easy for begginers.

  I gotta run. Later.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


thanks a lot for the link again.
I'm off to work out everyone have a good day.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Just eaten it: pheasant, sausage, bacon, carrots, beet, peas,marrow, stuffing, roast potatoes - and gravy.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


LOL Lise, the stove under that pot in the picture is the one that I bought yesterday. Works ok.. I hate the colour though.

  Uh, its a little rough this morning.

  I found the packages super easy for the soup base only 1.19 each.. and I found when you add water add hot water, reheats up again faster.

  We had the freezer bags ready for most of it lise.. I wasnt sure how much we were going to eat so I prepped it all, but had it in large freezer ziplocks just in case. But we ended up throwing it all in at the end and using all of it, found out my brother stole some for lunch today. Good to know I did it kindve right if I had already done what you suggested!

  We bought the thinly sliced short rib beef.. I also chopped up some steak I had hanging around in my freezer, that actually was  a bigger hit than the super thin slices.. I made the steak slices about 3mm each. Smallest my shaky hand could do it. I want to buy one of those slicers now, hopefully a semi industrial Stainless Steel one from a used equipment sale.

  The veggies like the bok choi, cabbage, spinach, and the many different types of mushrooms were as big of a hit than the meat. I was surprised at that coming from my friends. I had some chicken wings as well that I tossed in, they cooked perfect! The pork and veggie dumplings that I bought were super gooey and all stuck together in the bowl I had them in before throwing them in, is there a better way to do it or a particular brand I should get? They tore apart when I tried to separate them so I tossed most of them in at once.. it was too bad.

  EDIT: we got tofu as well, the silky stuff in a tube? Only three of us liked it, my brother got a chunk and he panicked and threw it on the floor. Even the dog who was waiting for all the bits we dropped, eating bok choi and mushrooms would NOT eat the Tofu. Pretty funny.

    Anyhow, we are waiting for a buddy to show up, then we are going to head to the terminal ave Flea Market. Whats everyone elses plans for today?    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


LOL. Ah Russ. Your stories always crack me up.

  The veggie and pork dumpling. That's odd. They shouldn't stick together. Unless you mean.... oh... I think I know. It's the one that kinda looks like gyoza. That's not for hotpot. They're meant to go into noodle soups or steamed on its own. That's why they stick to one another. As soon as they come out of the freezer, use them immediately - do no thaw or they'll stick to one another as you well know.


Yes, it's the silky tofu that comes in a tube. I really love this stuff in hotpot but it's not everyone's cup of tea. If you like tofu in miso soup, that's the one that you use. I just cut them into bite size pieces, making sure not to 'destroy' them as I stir the hotpot. These puppies can usually go in last because you don't need to cook them for long.

  Hehe. I wonder why your dog wouldn't eat that.

  Kudos about the mushrooms. I totally forgot about them. They're awesome in hotpot. I use two types, dried mushroom (that you can soak before overnight before dumping in - but be warned - strong taste) and the enoki mushrooms. Enoki mushrooms (pic below) should be bought fresh or sealed, not in cans as the later is soggy.


  Hmm. All this talk about hotpot is making me hungry again.

  Lunch today was a miserable Arby combo. *sigh*      
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


The hotpot sounds totally interesting Lise.  I WILL be trying that out very soon.  It looks delicious as well.

Thanks for the walk-through.......that was a lot of typing for you.

  One more question.  Does each person throw their own stuff in and then dish it out ?  Or is it all going in at once (I'm pathetic......I'm still a little confused)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


You throw the stuff in as a plate or half a plate at a time.. with a bit of other stuff. We kept throwing in a bit of everything. People would help themselves to what was in there. Once it was down add some more.

Theres no real set way to do it. When I was in china, if you were too slow the server would come and throw it in for you.

  Thats the name of those small thin shrooms eh lise? We bought a few bunches at once, and threw them in as we went.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


You guys are making me salivate just thinking about hot pot.  I can feel it in my mouth.  :P
 Russ, do you ever find anything at the Flea Market?  I've been there a few times and I've never came across anything that caught my eye.  I found that prices were just as expensive in stores.


Yeah I do purelife, its not as good as it used to be though. The one to go to now is the cloverdale fleamarket out at the fairgrounds. Well, when its alot warmer out, lol.

  I browse throught the CD's there, and look at old tools and stuff. Those are teh places to buy tools. Get some people that dont know the cost of tools, as well as if they are broken they will sell them cheap.. and you can return them for the lifetime warranty they have without a receipt.

  I dont buy any of the other crap there. Well, sometimes the funny t shirts or a sweater if its cheap enough.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I love the Terminal Ave Flea Market.  I go whenever I get the chance. (which is like once every 2  I found some teeny filagreed scissors there.  Each was different, they were beautiful. Bought about 10 pair which I use to make Etuis for gifts.

I also found a bunch of dental tools (new of course) which are great for sculpting.

Love the Terminal market.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I couldn't find a decent picture of a NICE Etui.  I make mine with antique fabrics and make all the little accessories inside to match the period.  

  This was the best I could find. These look a little tacky, but you get the idea.

[img style="WIDTH: 310px; HEIGHT: 202px" height=402 hspace=0 src="" width=600 border=0][img style="WIDTH: 232px; HEIGHT: 186px" height=398 hspace=0 src="" width=500 border=0]  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
