So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Wow, PC. Makes me wonder what kinda stuff you put into your trunk if you need such a big one.

  Tigger balloning. Now that's a funny picture. Our little guy is a bit overweight. Gets more overweight now that it's winter and we don't get the chance to take him out as much.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Yeah funny indeed he's still morphing into a dog though (he secretly wants to be Ozzie he mimicks the poor old dog).  Tigger must have a super high matabolism because he's never been more active, yet he keeps getting fatter.

Time capsules. Also thought those were really cool growing up.  Then thinking about who would dig it up 100 years later how much the world had changed, probably would be un recognizable.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


The US is sooo far behind Canada in terms of mat leaves.

  I am collecting a Canadian mat leave.  You get a max of $1600 a month regardless of pre-mat leave income.  The 1 year is soo nice!  I'm planning on going back only 1-2 days a week.  I haven't quite worked out the details yet.  Complex.    

  Down in the US though most women are lucky if they're off for 6 months.  Most are back to work after 3 months.  I know very few women down here that have been able to breastfeed for very long.  Down here it's considered miraculous if you breastfeed for 6 months.

"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)


Oh Lawd Lise.....there's a pile of  I'm a bit of a pack rat.  There are all kinds of goodies.  Just came across some old shares of dads, to the Big Jim Gold Mines Ltd.  from 1947.  Hahahahahaaa.  They don't exist anymore, DRAT.  Who names a gold mine Big Jim......rofl   Mighty impressive looking certificate though.    And an old Dick and Jane reader.   This is kinda fun.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


P.C. wrote:
 Oh Lawd Lise.....there's a pile of  I'm a bit of a pack rat.  There are all kinds of goodies.  Just came across some old shares of dads, to the Big Jim Gold Mines Ltd.  from 1947.  Hahahahahaaa.  They don't exist anymore, DRAT.  Who names a gold mine Big Jim......rofl   Mighty impressive looking certificate though.    And an old Dick and Jane reader.   This is kinda fun.

 <crooning> another fellow packrat.. we should trade stuff so we dont throw it away but get new stuff.. lol.

EDIT: not things like the shares or old deeds.. we have some of those too. They are a bit of history for the family.

I do like your idea of the time capsule though.. I think we made one when we were younger and buried it in one of the gardens with my mother.. wonder if its still there?

  Welcome back SD, I didnt realize it was you! Im observant today.. dont worry, I seem to have picked up your posting slack.

  Thats good to hear Ally, didnt realize you could do that. 1600 regardless of income? I didnt see anything to that effect in Lise's link.. although I did just browse through it and get lost.. thanks for the link Lise!

    My mother was off for 10 months when I was born, then I was put into preschools and my grandmother B's care. After a few years my brother was born and after the 10 months she was given, she left nursing and took care of us. She then took along two neighbors kids as well. When we both were 10, she went back to work, not as a nurse though. She didnt want to go back to that as she was soured by all the politics in it.[/DIV]
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Ah...Russ your tag line just cracked me up!  I love it.  .....and you have their shoes!  lol!

Yeah the $1600 a month is pretty nasty.  I honestly don't know how single moms do it.  Hell we're renting down here in Seattle for the year and our rent alone is $2500.  I have so much respect for single moms.  They have so much responsibility.  I guess you do what you have to do, but I don't know how they do it.
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)


Hi Ally

  If the max of $1600 per month isn't based on income, then how is it calculated?  I'm just curious when I take my mat leave.

  Welcome back Sportsdude.  Are you saying that I don't have a life when I'm posting here so often?  ;)  That's okay, I don't really have a life, whatever that means.

  I treated myself to a $10 lunch today.  I don't do this often.  I had grilled salmon panini and split pea and ham soup from my favorite cafe.  So delicious.  

  Anyways, hi and hi to everyone else.


It is based on income.

  Up to a maximum of $400 per week.  I think you max at $1600 a month at a low income - around 35K per year.  But someone who earns 200K per year also gets the $1600 per month.  So you get 15 weeks mat and then 35 weeks parental.

   [H2][SPAN class=primarycolor][A id=Maternity3 name=Maternity3]Maternity[/A]  benefits[/SPAN][/H2] Maternity benefits are payable to the birth mother or surrogate mother for a maximum of 15 weeks.  To receive maternity benefits you are required to have worked for 600 hours in [A href=""]the last 52 weeks or since your last claim[/A]. You need to prove your pregnancy by signing a statement declaring the expected due or actual date of birth.

 The mother can start collecting maternity benefits either up to 8 weeks before she is expected to give birth or at the week she gives birth. Maternity benefits can be collected within 17 weeks of the actual or expected week of birth, whichever is later. Please note that the date you file your claim is very important in order for you to receive the maximum maternity benefits you are entitled to. If you are unsure about your most advantageous maternity period to receive maximum benefits, please contact us. If the actual date of birth is different from the expected date of birth, it is very important that you provide this date as soon as possible after the birth of your child. Please contact us at [SPAN class=txtcolor][SPAN class=txtcolor]1 800 206-7218[/SPAN][/SPAN] from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and press "0" to speak to a representative. You can also write us or go in person to your [A href=""]Service Canada Centre[/A]. This way we will be able to determine the most advantageous maternity period, in order to receive the maximum maternity benefits you are entitled to.

 If your baby is hospitalized, then the 17 week limit can be extended for every week your child is in the hospital up to 52 weeks — following the week of the child's birth. You will still receive benefits for a maximum of 15 weeks, but payments can be delayed until your child comes home. However, if you received maternity benefits prior to the birth and wanted to receive the remaining benefits when your child comes home, call our telephone information service at [SPAN class=txtcolor]1 800 206-7218 [/SPAN] from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and press "0" to speak to a representative. You can also write us or go in person to your [A href=""]Service Canada Centre[/A] to have the necessary adjustment done to your claim.

 The weekly EI payment and the number of weeks to be paid remain the same even if you give birth to more than one child at the same time.

 At the same time you present a claim for maternity benefits, yourself or/and partner can ask for parental benefits.

 [A class=bodylinks href=""]top[/A]

 [H2][SPAN class=primarycolor][A id=Termination name=Termination][/A]Termination of a pregnancy[/SPAN][/H2] When a pregnancy terminates within the first 19 weeks of pregnancy, it is considered [A href=""]an illness under EI[/A]. If that is the case, [A href=""]sickness benefits[/A] may be paid as long as the qualifying conditions for sickness benefits are met.

 On the other hand, if the pregnancy terminates in the 20th week or later, the claim for benefits can be considered for maternity benefits if the qualifying conditions for [A href=""]maternity benefits[/A] are met.

 [A class=bodylinks href=""]top[/A]

 [H2][SPAN class=primarycolor][A id=Parental3 name=Parental3]Parental[/A] benefits[/SPAN][/H2] Parental benefits are payable either to the biological or adoptive parents while they are caring for a new-born or an adopted child, up to a maximum of 35 weeks. To receive parental benefits you are required to have worked for 600 hours in [A href=""]the last 52 weeks or since your last claim[/A]. You must sign a statement declaring the newborn's date of birth, or, when there is an adoption, the child's date of placement for the purpose of the adoption, and the name and address of the adoption authority.

 Parental benefits can be claimed by one parent or shared between the two partners but will not exceed a combined maximum of 35 weeks. Claimants making application for parental benefits must provide the name and Social Insurance Number (SIN) of the other parent for cross-reference purposes.

 Parental benefits for biological parents and their partners are payable from the child's birth date, and for adoptive parents and their partners from the date the child is placed with you. Parental benefits are only available within the 52 weeks following the child's birth, or for adoptive parents, within the 52 weeks from the date the child is placed with you, [A href=""]unless your child is hospitalized[/A].

 The weekly EI payment and the number of weeks to be paid remain the same even if you give birth to more than one child or if you adopt at the same time.

 When determining how you and your partner want to take advantage of your parental leave several choices can be made, here are some examples:

"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)


Maternity benefits are payable to the birth mother or surrogate mother for a maximum of 15 weeks.

 You don't get paid EI for a full year while on mat leave?  That would suck.  Okay, I know that I'll get the max.  I can somewhat live off of that.  

 ADD:  Thanks for that information Ally.  Bless!



 purelife wrote:
  [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]Welcome back Sportsdude.  Are you saying that I don't have a life when I'm posting here so often?  ;)  That's okay, I don't really have a life, whatever that means.
 LOL no not saying that at all of course. Just stating I really didn't have a life previously when the message board took up most of my time.  Oh you sure do have a life we all do. :)
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


In Sweden guys can take paternity leave.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Same here.  Fathers can chose to take 6 months and the mom takes 6 months.


wow thats awesome. My dad adopted the role as a stay at home father after I was born so we never had to pay for daycare and things while my mom worked since she's the bread winner of the family. She loses her job we're on welfare.  But she hated it that she had to go back to teaching after 3 months she's always regretted it.  She took work and career over us kids but we wouldn't be where we are today if she hadn't done that.  But if I was in her position I'd have taken full maternity leave. Because kids grow up way too fast.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


no no purelife you get 15 weeks of maternity leave, and then 35 weeks of parental leave.  Most employers bump their employees up to 90% or full pay for 3 months or in some cases longer.  It works out to be 50 weeks although you can take some sick time if you want.  I have a girlfriend that had a baby that took 4 weeks of sick time, 15 weeks maternity, 33 weeks parental(hubby took 2 weeks parental) and then 4 weeks of vacation.  Added up to about 14 1/2 months.  Women say they're on mat leave when really technically they're off mat leave after 15 weeks and on parental leave.
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)


Uhhm *cries* I'm really confused.  So, your mat pay from EI is only for 3 months and after that you get no money for being off for the rest of the year?
