So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Haven't had lasagne for ages - thanks for reminding me of it.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Buh bye Lise.  Enjoy your walk with your lil one.  :)


Hi hi! Am back. Brrr..... damn cold and windy out there but oh, glorious sunshine! We had a wonderful walk, not too many folks out and about. I don't blame them.

  Just dumped our Christmas tree into the storage area. I hate that tree!! Too big. Dang.

  Anyone get rid of their Christmas trees and decorations yet?
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Good afternoon everybody!

  No coffee yet...but my Timmy's is brewing now!

  What's the weather like in Van today?  It's sunny where I am in Seattle....I think that after I clean up my kitchen and throw the laundry in the dryer I'm going to head over to the lake for a nice 2 mile walk!

  My baby(who is 6 months old) just popped her first tooth!  The last 2 nights have been horrid!
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)


It's beautiful right now in Vancouver, Ally. A bit chilly but the sunshine's up. I heard it's going to be baaad tomorrow.

  I hear ya about the first tooth. I'm not looking forward to that. They get cranky when their teeth come in. It's natural. Just give your little one stuff to chew on (moist towel or any chewable toys). She's gonna be drooling like crazy too.

  Don't forget to wash her first teeth with a damp cloth. I gave my first kid a toothbrush to play around with at that stage.

  I've seen a lot of caries in little kids in my line of work. Most parents think just because they're baby teeth, they don't need to take care of them. Wrong! Baby teeth are so important because they pave the way for the adult teeth. It's sad to see kids with advance tooth decay even though you try to educate them.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Thanks Lise

  We've been wiping her gums down with a moist cloth since she was about 1 month old to get her used to having something on her gums.  

  I have a finger brush too that I'm going to start using soon.  Really soft rubber one.  

  I'm trying to give her a really good feed before she goes to bed at night because she still likes to nurse 2-3 times throughout the night and I'm worried about the milk possibly sitting in her mouth through the night and eating her teeth.  
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)


I had a bannana and some yogurt. Bleah!
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Well, Im dont think I missed anyone but everyone got one of those 'bless' things.

  Kinda done the fishtank, maybe i shouldnt leave it so long next time. I put the cat out but she got in somehow and when I was in cleaning the pirate ship and other oddities inthe tank she got in to where I had the fish in the ten gallon I keep for emergencies and cleaning... I caught her with a smug look and wet paws, there was water all over the floor. All the fish are accounted for so....

  Its sunny right now, and its getting pretty windy.

  Gotta go drop off some stuff, ttyl
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Ally wrote:
I'm trying to give her a really good feed before she goes to bed at night because she still likes to nurse 2-3 times throughout the night and I'm worried about the milk possibly sitting in her mouth through the night and eating her teeth.  

    After feeding, just do a quick wipe of the inside mouth before she falls alseep. It's not so bad if she falls asleep and you don't wipe it... the worst is leaving a bottle in her mouth just as she goes to sleep. That's a sure bet to get bottle caries.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


The same applies to soothers?  I know some moms put these suckers in after a feeding and leave them in all night long.  It must be terrible for the teeth and difficult for the teeth to come out.


All my kids had goy-goys.......ummmm, I mean soothers.  They all had lovely teeth.  I think there are more kids who need braces now-a-days, than there ever was a generation or so ago, when they didn't worry so much about the billions of details that moms have to deal with now.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


There's still debate with regards to pacifiers. Some say it's ok, others say it's not. I think as long as you don't dip the soothers in honey or anything sweet to give it to the babies, you should be fine. My mom still believes this practise is perfectly fine but I say otherwise. Not only can you introduce baby early to honey allergy, you're also putting sugar in mouth.

  Some say pacifers don't really interupts the growth of teeth and should be fine until age 5. Both Lise Jrs. do not have soothers because I don't believe in them. Soothers might take the place of sucking/ breastfeeding so for now, we're doing without them.

  Doesn't mean that I'm against them. If you find they work, by all means go ahead.

  I had a soother till I was about 3 years old and my teeth work fine.  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


P.C. wrote:
All my kids had goy-goys.......ummmm, I mean soothers.  They all had lovely teeth.  I think there are more kids who need braces now-a-days, than there ever was a generation or so ago, when they didn't worry so much about the billions of details that moms have to deal with now.

 Yes, you're right PC. Parents are aware (thus pressured) for kids to have the perfect teeth. You'd be surprised to know how many parents want to whiten their kids teeth, nevermind basic hygiene maintenance. Forget flossing, they just want to know how to make their kids teeth whiter than paper.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I suppose things like diet and such is changing.  I was never panicked over the whole thing.  It seemed rather simple to me.  Brush after you eat......brush double if you ate something sweet.  If you're at school, and you can't an apple or a couple sticks of celery......swish with a little water.....done.  

  I was told by my oldest daughter's dentist, that she should have braces on her baby they pave the way for her adult teeth.  Great logic, except her baby teeth were perfect.  Needless to say, I didn't mortgage the house for the braces, and her adult teeth came in equally as perfect.

  I think we've thrown out our common sense, for someone elses common sense.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Brushing is a good way to start but we don't really stress brushing as much. It's the flossing that needs a lot more stressing. Brushing is ideal but flossing is the one that will really save your teeth in the end. But I won't go too much into that otherwise it'll feel like nagging.

  Well, PC. Your kid is lucky. This isn't always the case with young ones. Sometimes their primary teeth are so malformed that we ask that they see an orthodontist. Baby teeth are easier to manipulate because they're still growing.

  Sometimes as luck would have it, the teeth defies all logic and grow well. I would call that extremely lucky indeed!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.
