So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Mornin purelife.

  I thought comfort food was meatloaf and gravy or macarroni and cheese type things?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Morning all.

  Yep, it looks like a drabby and wet morning. Bummer, eh? Still.... like I always say, it's better than snow.

  We just went to the Burnaby Village Museum yesterday. Not too bad but it was damn cold at night. We saw Father Christmas. He looked awesome in his authentic "Santa Claus" outfit complete with old fashion glasses, twinkle in his eyes and real beard. Not like the Mall Santa. Best part of it was the no line-up. Unfortunately, Lise Jr. freaked out on Santa and refused to sit on his lap. Cried the whole time so no Kodak moment for us.

  Carousel ride was fun if you didn't feel sick in the middle of it. I don't know how kids can go on and on these things. I couldn't wait for the ride to end.    
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


They are but my definition of comfort food includes pho and hot soup.    


Burnaby Museum sounded like fun, Lise.  It's a lovely area with so many things to do.  The real looking Santas are hard to find nowadays.  I prefer the ones who really look jolly and leave their beard and it's really white.  I always stop and do a double take at Santa.  It truly feels magical.


True enough, purelife. There's something to be said about going through an old village and seeing a real looking St. Nick.

  Ah, pho.... best noodle soup ever! Love it. A friend of mine loves red meat so much that she would actually ask for the slices of raw beef set aside so she can dip the morsel into her soup while she eat. Bleh.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Yup, agree with you there that Pho is the best soup EVAR!  YAR!  We found this great pho place on Kingsway beside this car dealership.  I can't remember the cross streets but it looked to be a little green house-looking restaurant.  


Good morning all!

  I am back in Seattle now.  Nursing my morning cup of Timmy Ho's.  I lined up twice over the 4 days I was up in Vancouver for Timmy's.  

  To answer Russ' question.  I live in Seattle but was born in Vancouver and all my family and friends are there.  I'm only here temporarily with my family.

  Lise!  You went and saw Santa.  I took my daughter to see Santa as well.  I went to Coquitlam Centre to see him.  They've had the same guy being Santa there for years.  He may actually be real!  My daughter sat on Santa's knee and was looking at me so the first couple of pictures were really good.  But then she looked up and realized that some white bearded man was holding her and her lower lip came out for about a second and then she started to scream cry.  

  Everybody have their power on?  
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)


Hiya Ally.

  Coquitlam Centre you say, eh?  Hmmm.....that's awesome!  Yeah, the little ones get so scared of Santa.  I don't blame them.  Santa isn't mommy or daddy.  

  EDIT:  Speaking of Timmy's, I tried their Decaf coffee for the first time on Friday and I have to say that it's excellent.  There was no after taste and it wasn't very strong compared to Starbuck's decaf.  Now, I might just have to go to Timmie's for their decaf this afternoon.  This is coming from me who rarely drinks coffee too.  I'm impressed.


Coffee without caffeine is not coffee. And should be illegal. People like me can and have made a split second error and have gotten and drunk the stuff.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Oh I love converting people from Starbucks to Timmy's!  Another one under my belt!    
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)


Are you talking about decaf coffee Russ?  Decaf'ed still has caffeine, just lower numbers.  


hee hee.... Thanks Ally.  Bless!  


Morning Ally. Sorry, I had to dash off for a bit.

  Oh yeah, Coquitlam Centre has one of the most awesome Christmas display. I've never seen Santa there but I've seen the display. Very beautiful.

  I love Coquitlam Centre because it has this playground area for toddlers. Great to drop them off but the best part of it - you only pay $1.00 for as long as your kid can handle.

  Speaking of coffee, I had my first decaf coffee at the Bay on Saturday since birthing. OMG. I thought I could die just right there.

  Anyone been to the mall? INSANE!! Everyone's in a pissy mood. Good Christmas cheer and well wishes to fellow beings? I think not. Everyone is snarling and cursing. The line-ups are crazy especially at Toys R Us and you can't even sit down to eat. I'm avoiding the malls for good. Done with Christmas shopping so I don't have to go near the malls. YAY!!!!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


You say Toys R Us?  Metrotown location?  *sigh*...I have to go there this Friday right after work.  I had to leave it last minute because that's when I get my 'xmas bonus.  *double sigh*  Otherwise, I would have been done.  *cries*

  I hate the malls...but I've got no choice.  boo f*cking hoo... :(

  Yeah, people are most grumbly and pushy during times of stress.  Oh, it was the same when there were those skytrains delay this month.  CRAZY!  People pushing, shoving, fist fighting (not kidding)....insane.  


Yep, purelife, Toys R Us Metrotown. I  was there on Saturday night around 8pm and had to buy something for the kids. It took me one hour to buy one item and go through the line-up. Plus it was so damn hot there. People were just cursing. To top it all, you have kids running and screaming.

  Not to mention parking. It's the s......t. Good luck indeed.

  BTW, late night shopping has started so you don't need to hurry. I think the mall close around 11pm or something like that.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.
