So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


purelife wrote:
 Wow, Russ.  All the way in Africa, huh?  Have you been to the Ngondo Festival?  They must have the best celebrations and really know how to have fun.  Their music and culture is just absolutely breath taking.  

 Yeah I work there most of the time. No idea about the Ngondo Festival, Ive been to the sea festival and a bunch of other local things they do, but I dont know the names. You ask some of the people in the crowds there when you are trying to figure out whats going on and they dont seem to know either so I guess Im ok.

  Ill let you know about the New Years get together as I find out moreso if Im going mid december or early jan back to Africa. You really want to go shopping with my g/f?  Shes an interesting shopper to go with. She will think about every purchase and why she needs it, I just get mad and grab what shes pondering about and buy it. Im an impulse buyer and I buy only essential things like new things to bbq with and plug in coffee mug heaters. (dont buy the plug in coffee heaters, it doesnt keep it hot at all)

**sent you PM**    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Read: MEN AND SHOPPING do not go together. Nuff said.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Lise wrote:
 Read: WOMEN AND SHOPPING do not go together. Nuff said.

    Costco is my friend. I seriously do most of my shopping there; food, clothing, books, games, etc.

Wallmart is good for camping stuff, Ukranian Tire just makes me angry.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


 You really want to go shopping with my g/f?  Shes an interesting shopper to go with. She will think about every purchase and why she needs it,

[/DIV]LOL LOL.  I do the SAME thing.  I would ponder and ponder and then the next day, decide that I really want it to find out that it's sold already.  That has happened to me for far too many times.  My b/f tells me to buy it and then decide later, especially when it's the last one because I could always return it.  :)  I need a shopping gal to hang around with, even if I don't end up buying anything. :)


Did you check out the new Costco by Stadium?  I know that Army and Navy is awesome for camping stuff as well.


Did you just send the PM, Russ?  Hmm, I guess it takes a while, huh?


LOL, I have two DS browsers open, its coming! (small minds get distracted easily)
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


LOL, two browsers!  Oh, you're officially addicted to DS!  tee hee...


Am not. *kicks rock on road*
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I'm an impulse buyer as well. I go in streaks of not buying anything to just buying a lot.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Yikes, 4:30 and I haven't left my work yet.  BYE ALL! talk to all tomorrow.

  *rushes out the door*


what a funny avatar Russ!  LOL


Thanks purelife!

  I heard about that new costco going in by stadium by a friend and his fiancee, they have one of the apartments in the building above it. That would be deadly for me, I would go bankrupt. But Its not open yet is it? Im not a fan of Army and Navy though, but I do shop at Taiga, Three Vets and all the other fun cheap places.

  Sportsdude, if you only knew how much that sounds like me. Only I dont stop splurging, I just buy too much of something else.

  Mango number 5 n
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims
