So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Did anyone see the water shortages at the grocery store? Man. I just went to grab a couple of bottles (we usually have some in the car for the kids) and they were totally out. All the aisle were empty, not a single bottle left in store. INSANITY.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


it is gonna be like that all weekend. i am pretty sure i am gonna run out of bottled water as well altho i am brushing my teeth with tap water.

  still alive so far but i hear it could take up to two days for symptoms to kick in.


Really? I was in Ukranian Tire in richmond tonight right before going to see Borat (it was 'ok'), the place was packed! Everyone had those 5 gallon containers of water for the dispensers, like four each. No one was anywhere else in teh store, so we wandered through the camping sections and ended up buying ice cream and a frying pan. There was lots of water there, they had pallets and pallets of it.

  We went out with my dad and bro for dinner at a chinese restaurant on Fraser tonight.. It was pretty good, my dad couldnt wrap his head around the idea of tea in one pot and hot water in another.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I went to Safeway and Shopper's Drugs yesterday morning  shortly after 9:00 A.M., and every drop of water was sold out.  Last night the bath water looked more like a mud wallow.  Disgusting!
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Water's a tad muddy this morning. Great. Brushed my teeth with bottled water. Kept thinking of $$ going down the drain.

  The bottle companies must be jumping for joy now.

  Government has launched an ad for preparing yourself should power/water/earthquake go out. You need to prepare youself for at least 72 hours.

  Here's the site:

  [A href=""][/A]

     [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR vAlign=top] [TD class=lrgbluetitle width="75%"] [DIV id=header]Basic kit[/DIV][/TD] [TD width="25%"] [DIV align=right][SPAN class=greytext] [SCRIPT type=text/XXXXScript] [!-- function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) ( //v2.0   window.DOH!(theURL,winName,features); ) --] [/SCRIPT] [A onclick="MM_openBrWindow('/_includes/print.asp?f=/guide/kit1_e.asp','popup','scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,width=540,height=500,addressbar=yes')" href="jvascript:;"]Printable version
of this page[/A] [/SPAN][/DIV][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=greytext colSpan=2] [DIV id=body]
You may have some of these items already, such as a flashlight, battery-operated radio, food, water and blankets. The key is to make sure they are organized and easy to find. Would you be able to find your flashlight in the dark?

Make sure your kit is easy to carry.
Keep it in a backpack, duffel bag or suitcase with wheels, in an easy-to-reach, accessible place, such as such as your front hall closet. Make sure everyone in the household/family knows where to find the emergency kit.

Print this page and check off the items as you accumulate them. Basic items you will need to survive for 72 hours: [DIV align=left]
 [TABLE width=542 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD width=255] [img height=16 src="" width=16]   Water -- at least two litres of water per person per day. (Include small bottles that can be carried easily in case of an evacuation order.)

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Food that won't spoil, such as canned food, energy bars and dried foods (remember to replace the food and water once a year)

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Manual can-opener

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Flashlight and batteries

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Candles and matches or lighter (remember to place candles in sturdy containers and to put them out before going to sleep)

[/TD] [TD width=250]
[img height=16 src="" width=16]  Battery-powered or wind-up radio (and extra batteries)

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  First aid kit

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Special items such as prescription medications, infant formula and equipment for people with disabilities

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Extra keys for your car and house

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Some cash in smaller bills, such as $10 bills (travellers cheques are also useful) and change for payphones

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  A copy of your [A href=""]emergency plan[/A] including contact information

[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD width=255][SPAN class=bluetitle]Recommended additional
kit supplies[/SPAN]
It is always a good idea to have extra supplies on hand. Here are some recommendations. [BR clear=all] [img height=16 src="" width=16]   A change of clothing and footwear for each household member

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each household member

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  A whistle (in case you need to attract attention)

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Garbage bags for personal sanitation

[/TD] [TD width=250]

[img height=16 src="" width=16]  Toilet paper and other personal care supplies

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Safety gloves

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Basic tools (hammer, pliers, wrench, screwdrivers, fasteners, work gloves)

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Small fuel-driven stove and fuel (follow manufacturer's directions and store properly)

 [img height=16 src="" width=16]  Two litres of water per person per day for cooking and cleaning

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


And a good day, Kitten and Lise......lunch plans ?  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Good morning, Lise and P.C., and anyone else who may be joining us.  I read your list, Lise and I seem to have everything but the stove and the money.  I can get the stove, but it may take a little longer for the money.

  I've had my "brunch", a chicken sandwich and a cup of coffee.    
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Morning guys! Lunch today at the food court. I'm taking an hour off by myself. A much needed time alone from hubby and kids. He's graciously allowing me an hour. Meh. I need a day but I'll take whatever I can.

  My emergency kit needs an update. I get the feeling some of the stuff have expired. I  mean... do cans expire?

  Russ. Forgot to ask. Was Borat any good?
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


From what I've heard, three years is about the limit for cans.  If there is any rust around the edges toss them immediately.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


I've had an earthquake kit for years.  We would have enough of everything we need for 3 weeks.  I don't think people can really visualize what it could be like if an earthquake were to hit.    

You may have a great survival kit, but if your house collapses, will you have access to it ? You may have car keys....but will there be roads?  Is it possible that if you have money, that even if you could get yourself to a store....would there BE a store ?  

  I think about it sometimes, and what it may be like.  What if it's December as opposed to August?..........................  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


No rust around my cans yet, kitten so I guess they're good for now.

  PC, I guess we can't be 100% prepared. At least you've got enough to last you 3 weeks. I'm not even sure we can push pass 72 hours. 24 hours maybe. Ah well. It's a big headache to think of what to pack into your emergency kit.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Thanks for the wake-up call Lise......probably time to replenish and refresh my kit.

  Good for you....glad you can take a bit of time for yourself. (AN HOUR ????  Let me talk to Mr. Lise....LOL)  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I've often had those thoughts.  Basic needs are shelter, warmth, water and food.  Everything past that will make it easier on you, but strictly speaking, they can be done without.  Terrifying thoughts, though, knowing that what you have you have to defend from others who aren't prepared.  If you try to share you will have nothing for yourself.  
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Know the feeling there, kitten. I just don't want to think about it...........

  Yeah. One hour by myself. Still better than nothing. I'm going to try shopping a bit. I haven't bought myself anything since the baby so it'll be good to do a bit of spoiling.

  Anyways, gotta run guys. TTYL.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Last time I checked, my sugar was a big  We keep it in the shed, thinking that even if the shed collapsed, it would be a lot easier to pick through that than a whole house.  A couple bottles of Brandy or whatever you fancy wouldn't hurt know, in case you get

  And of course as W.C. Fields once said, "I like to keep a bottle of stimulant handy in case I see a snake.............. which I also keep handy."
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
