So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Lise wrote:
 I doubt the other half of me could handle someone like SD. She's likely to burn from all his hawtness..... [FONT size=1]just kidding. [/FONT]

I think SD would prefer a younger, sleeker chick who can whip him into manhood anytime anywhere. *snicker snicker snicker*

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Oh my, I missed CK, Gopher, Lise and SD.  HI HI!  

  Lunch was just leftover bland food.  Nothing exciting.  It would be if my food jumped at me.  What a treat that would be...hee hee....    


I'm still here.
Yeah I'm not in the mood to eat apparently.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


That sucks SD.  I hope that your appetite kicks in soon.  


I dunno if it will. Oh well, not much I can do if I'm not hungry. Because if I force myself to eat I'll feel that I'm fat. oh well.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Lise wrote:
 Speaking of Gopher, I came across this link and instantly thought of you.

  [A href=""][/A][/DIV]

  [FONT color=#0000ff]Enjoyed it at last! Typical day in the life of a gopher. Thanks, Lise.[/FONT]
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Glad you liked it, Gophie.

  Gophers are sexy in my book.

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


[FONT face=Verdana color=#ff40ff size=7]LISE LISE LISE!!!!!!!!!!![/FONT]

  *sigh*  missed your presence again....


I had Starbucks coffee for breakfast then watched my friends cousin's house burn down from my house. Big house, gone now. Well I think it was his house can't be sure they've got the road blocked.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Hey all! Good morning. Last morning of sunshine before the big downpour. Enjoy the day while it last.

  Halloween a blast last night. Had tons of kids come over. Down to four little chocolate candy before I shut off the lights. Gotta have my chocolate.

  Lise Jr. had fun though her wee little fingers got too cold while trick or treatin'. I don't get the bigger kids who come to your doorsteps asking for chocolate. I  mean, c'mon... aren't you too big to go trick or treating?

  Hey SD, must have been quite a sight to see your cousin's place burnt down. Wow. That's scary. We had the house next to ours on fire. I think the tenants were smoking pot or something like that. The landlord kicked them out the following week and then we got new neighbors. Thank goodness!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


it wasn't my cousins but my friends cousins house, atleast I think it was, it had to of been.

  We ran out of candy, lots of kids in the new nieghbourhood.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


turns out it wasn't my friends cousin house but a lady who is 81 is in hospital from the fire.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Oops. My bad. Hope the old lady is alright.....
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Well, lunch for me was Timmy Ho's donuts, Im on a healthy streak here.

  Thats too bad about that 81 yr old by you SD.

  The only thing other than stealing all the unhanded out candy for myself last night, was when a group of three kids were shooting off roman candles and shot at me in my truck as I was driving (my windows were open, that made me the maddest). I chased em down and berated them. I mean yeah have fun its halloween, but doing stupid shit like shooting at vehicles/people/houses and stuff will cause more hippy laws to be passed and things to be banned for everyone. I have no problems with kids having fun with firecrackers and fireworks, just dont be too stupid about it.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Agreed Russ.  I saw these stupid teens purposely blowing off firecrackers infront of the little kids.  These kids were scared.  I could see them in their eyes.  CRUEL!  I gave them an earful.  

  Timmy Ho's....have you tried their chilli and garlic bread deal?  I went into New West, ordered the chilli special and she asked me "white or brown?"  I said brown.  Then, when I got my bag, I saw that it was just a plain bun and not the garlic bread that it specified right on the ad.  I said "umm, this should be garlic"  The girl was like "you should have specified tha!"  I pointed out to the ad and it mentioned "with garlic toast."  I didn't think that I had to specify.  MY GOODNESS!  LOL.

  The chilli was okay.  Not as good as mine, of course.  :)
