Yeah D. for 50 cents a can they are great. It is even better if you can buy them with a coupon, then you get 3 for 1.00 talk about bargains and if you can use the coupons when Safeway has the 5 cans for 4 dollars sale, well then you can get some serious money saving in.
1 can of beans = 2 meals. Add some hot dogs, some onion & a some tomatoes and you got a full meal. low calories and filling. best of both worlds then.
lunch today was Breakfast Sausage and eggs. I still feel hungry =( The problem with having sausage and eggs for lunch is if you eat them without the hash-browns and toast you will still feel hungry afterwards. I think it is the carb's from the potatoes and toast that break down to sugar, so when mixed with the proteins you have that good feeling of being happy and full. Well satisfied is what a good meal should make you feel.
Grr and no fruit to snack on I will have to go to the market..