So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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I'm headed over to Daiso sometime this weekend too. lol
Christmas Party in a few, gonna be somber occasion for me at least.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Why would a Christmas Party be a sombre occasion ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


*read my previous post, somebody crucial in my childhood died*

anyway I challenged people to shot drinking contests at the party cause I felt like it. It was one of those nights where I couldn't get drunk no matter how much I drank and everyone else would get wasted, we end up singing christmas carols. damn it somebody challenge me. lol Russ? lol

early morning.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Well, made it back! I had a semi serious issue and limped out the last 40km of logging road, then was fine on the freeway. Also ran out of gas right before the exit of the logging road and went into a ditch.. I had spare gas but didnt want to get out to put some in until the end of the logging road.. my own fault there.
My brother took off right after my breakage to get home in case he needed to come back wiht the car trailer.. and one other guy went off to try to keep up. Well we didnt know that, as we thought he was with the first guy and he ended up taking a wrong turn and getting lost and almost stuck at 30k in the wrong logging road. We all gave him crap for not paying attention.. he could have been stuck there for a long time.

Well, gotta go for a bit here. I have to start looking at all the shiny new parts I need to get for my Toy! Im happy but I dotn think starfish is going to be when she sees the bill.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Good afternoon Russ.

  Glad to hear that you're safe!  That must've been one heck of a night and I bet you're glad to be home.  

  We didn't end up going to Daiso on Saturday but did end up challenging a couple of kids on a Wii game at the mall.  That was fun.  



Oh dear, Russ.  Glad everyone got home in one piece.  Well...except for the Toy.  It wouldn't be a camping trip without some Russ adventure !

  Sawdust shoveled the whole driveway today and will attempt the trip to work tomorrow.

  Spent the day in the workshop....I'm tuckered and I'm a
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Quiet in here these days....

  Hey Michel - when are your holidays starting, Michel?  Are you still at work?    



Good morning everyone.

  Michel....pardon my laziness, don't have time to go back and look....but where are you off to ?  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Back in the new year then, Michel?

  Hiya P.C.  Did Jack Frost nip at your nose?


Hi purelife.  Nope...Jack Frost was feeling a little spunky, and bit it right off.  We are still sitting under 13 inches of snow, with more expected tonight and tomorrow.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


maybe Jack Frost had one too many 'nog and rum?

  I heard about the snowing tonight and tomorrow too, but it doesn't look like we get near as much as you do.  :(  I'd like to see more snow.


I like the snow too purelife....but I feel badly for hubby, as he's the one that has to drive in it.  He stayed home yesterday, but he went today.  He said it's very patchy all the way.  Some places with more...some less....and some with barely a dusting.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
