P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]So how much did you get done today Russ ? I was lucky, I got company. [img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif[/img][/div] [/div]
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]So how much did you get done today Russ ? I was lucky, I got company. [img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif[/img]
<snicker snicker> LM sure has a way with words..

I got lots done today.. I moved that brake lathe 10 feet further into the yard behind some stuff and after cleaning it a bit more and greased it for preservation, i covered it in a green tarp so hopefully it blends in with all the rest of the yard.
I also carried on with my shelving and organization of nuts/bolts/bits n bobs into these cool bin thingys i got from costco. I got about ten bins done then decided that was enough of that for today, as I noticed my brother behind me was filling the containers we used to have teh odd ends in with more stuff as soon as i emptied them out.
I also moved some stuff around to get a better feel of how to deal with it.. and ended up restacking it about 15 feet away.. so dont know how much that can be called accomplishment. Oh one of the boxes ended up back into the house, which is where it origionally came from like 6 months ago when we were cleaning out that section of the house. Its pretty sad really, lol.