So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Ah, but I bet they're not as wet as Rain-couver. *sigh*
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Lil Me

"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein



Good to see you back Michel.

Just got back from seeing Indy 4.
meh meh

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Lil Me

Morning!  It's gonna be a good one today.  It's hot and sunny already.
 Toasted breakfast sammy.  Bacon, butter, jam, cheese.'s a magical coffee morning!!!  Something special happened in the coffee pot....dunno how, I don't measure the beans going into the grinder...
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


   Michel wrote:
 Hey SD, I saw the bison pic. So you've been to Custer State Park ? How big was the herd you saw ? How many bisons altogether in the park ? Any pronghorns pics ?

What does "Meh meh" means ? How was Indy 4 ? French Canadian channel specified he's figthing against the USSR of Stalin, dos spielbers  make this clear in the flick? Still that's not enough to change enough the historical background to me to make it credible, because I assume it's about world domination as usual. Oh well Speilberg had to deal with the wrinkles of his actors I assume, otherwise he would have stick to the Nazis.

Well I'm soft to stick up for Russians since all my friends back in Nanaimo are proud Russians and don't recognize the Russian flag and only the Soviet Flag as "their Russia" even though half are conservatives and one is a social democrat in his words 'I remember standing in line as a kid' lol (he's a save the world type). Anyway so I don't usually like films mocking people. (Although the Nazi story line should have extremely never bothered me, since they were pretty much mocking my family during the war, before the war, etc) anyway

They make it clear that Blanchette's character is 'Stalin's favourite' and she's looking for knowledge to give her all the power in the world so they can win the war etc i.e. world domination *yawn*. The movie tries to mock the McCarthy era with Indy being chased by KGB people (again stereotypical my best friend's dad was a Col. in the KGB) during a 'Anti-Communist' march on campus. Then people get black listed during the film (the whole script is rushed, it seems this could have been good but they didn't really try to make it historical).  There's the atomic bomb which makes a cameo. The plot is just a mess. My favourite movie out of the triology is the third, which is mainly due to Connery. Connery is not in this film. The movie just seems rushed for example we never get Indy's opinion on the times, he just tells the FBI folks they're crazy and then the Soviet guys he just doesn't like, thinks they're crazy. His political opinion is missing although a famous character switches sides during the film and he feels betrayed wonders why he'd join them, the double agent says because of money, but Indy never truly hates him or gets mad at him.

-rushed scripted
- no real plot
- rushed through the political part of the film
- Indy doesn't make a political stand or we don't get his opinion other then a few seconds
- Shia is the most annoying actor in the history of movies

Custer Park there was about 15-20 in a herd that I saw but they were far off in the distance away from the road in the Wildlife/Wilderness Rd. (which didn't have much wildlife. There were two Bison hanging out at the enterance to the park. To be honest I saw more wildlife on the road between the National Forest and the Park then the park itself. That's where the wild donkeys were hanging around and then on my way out of the Black Hills I ran into Bison blocking the road. (that's where the close ups come from). Saw an Antelope and that's it.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



Indy doesn't imply anything, his views are the plot that's really missing. He's just anti-blacklisting but that's pretty much it, he doesn't attack the Blanchette's character though, just thinks she's stupid.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Maybe you could tell us all how it ends.  [img onclick="selecte('stern.gif');" alt=emoticon src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



[img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-49019" style="FONT-SIZE: 875694px; WORD-SPACING: 875694px" alt="humorous pictures" src=""].
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


oooooh  harsh P.C.

lol I didn't give away the movie.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 Good afternoon everyone...

I see that Michel is back.  Welcome back!  :)

I had a sore throat last night and it progressed.  Now, I've got this cold.  I have an idea where I got it from too.  :(

Anyways, gotta head out to do some errands and I hope everyone is going to have a nice day. :)

Michel - I should have that letter for you to help me translate.  It's funny how I was thinking about my friend and she just mailed me something notifying me of her new addy.  :)
