Evening everyone.
Oh, I know what you mean about office politics. I find that when there are more women than men at the office, there's more cattyness. At an office/work environment, you'll soon learn who's the brownoser, the loud one, the gossiper, the one that thinks she/he "knows it all".... *sigh* At least you're enjoying some people, right?
) That's what matters.
Last night, we had pho with some friends at 3am. Ohhhhh...it was SOOOOOOOOOOOO good..miammmmmmmeeeeeeee! We also went to White Rock beach...I forgot how clearly you could see the stars. 'twas beautiful!
The Angus beef burgers are awesome. Enjoy 'em too.
I recently brought this cotton zipped jacket and sweats from Costco... Avia brand..OMGCUMFY and CHEAP! Did you get any clothes lately at Costco, LM?