So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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no probs. Locals not fond of the french for some reason. I'm like what's not to love? lol Trying to change people's attitudes.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


after 10 posts you could start blessing, me thinks.  


I thought it was 50?

Woah I really could "get out of dodge" So much so I can't say where I'm going.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."




 yup humans need scape goats.

back in the states its 'illegals' now or anyone that looks hispanic or "mexican" or speaks spanish.

Roomates all hate the french. i'm like why? What did they do to you? lol

I'm in the camp of I'd love to see a free Quebec but its not economically possible plus it doesn't make sense. So I'm in the sign the constitution we're all equal category.

c'est la vie.

Heck all the PQ folks I know would rather live outside of Quebec then in it. A guy I know would move back to Jasper in a second but his gf doesn't speak english very well. lol

But he's in the I'd like to see it but it isn't happening because we're run by idiots crowd.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



 Canada's lucky that its only main huge problem is misunderstanding of cultures and the idea that government and other provinces don't care about what's going on in another province.
Basically what Canada needs is a marriage counselor.
I had this conversation for hours with a kid from Nanaimo who is convinced everyone outside of BC ignores BC and its issues it brings to the table.
Misunderstanding. Everyone is misunderstood.
From the Quebec politicians rallying against Rest of Canada to Western Alienation (which is a farce) politicians saying the 'east' has too much power.
Saying Atlantic Canada is just a bunch of welfare bums
Newfoundlanders are backwards
And Alberta's firewall.

Its this idea that government and people in other provinces hate somebody else in another part of the country. This is what happens in a confederation. People grow apart. The marriage counselor has to be the federal government. It must be very strong or divorces happen.

But its just silly that the biggest issue facing Canada and into the future is the non ability of understanding.
Dear Lord that's not a huge problem. You want problems I'll take you to Saint Louis. There are about 20 Saint Louis's in the states. That's problems.

Communication isn't a problem unless you make it a problem.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


kid from Port Hardy's family is all british he's the first true 'canadian'.
The other guys one is a russian immigrant. The other is from Port Alberni.

Its really simple to stop the racism/hate. Ask simple questions like "Why do you hate the french speaking person" they give the typical response: They're weak blah blah blah. They don't really have an answer they were just taught to hate the french and use it as a mask a scape goat to hide their own problems. Again communication.

Go further and ask "Have you ever been to Quebec?" and they'll all answer no. I put those people in the same category that want Harry Potter books banned from school yet have actually never read the books. You can't judge without actually having a basis for an opinion.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."




exactly they're a kilometre wide on issues and a centimetre thick on knowledge.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
...I'm in the camp of I'd love to see a free Quebec but its not economically possible plus it doesn't make sense. So I'm in the sign the constitution we're all equal category...

Errr, not to be mean or anything, but what country is your passport from?  Until you have a Canadian passport it might be best to not try and play Canadian politics, especially your first year in Canada.  

British Columbian

Michel, not everyone in BC hate the French! sports needs to get away from the redneck village and get into the real diversity!

I am from BC, I have met so many cool people from Quebec.

Please don't judge all British Columbians by sport's postings.


Pizza Lover

Sportsdude wrote:
exactly they're a kilometre wide on issues and a centimetre thick on knowledge.

 This is how people know you are out to lunch! Canadians would never use that as a reference!
