So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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The trailer for Beouwulf looks fantastic. I'm going to show it to my hubby when it (EDIT: LOL... when HE) gets home.

  [img height=247 src="" width=191]

  That's the guy from Transformers. Don't ask me why his name is Shia though. It's a girly girl name if you ask me.

  And he will play Indy's son not his younger self so I bet there's going to be a next generation of Indy Jones.    
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Shia looks pretty good in that pic.  He kinda reminds me of the main character of that 70's show and who also played the villain in Spidey3.  I think he's name is Topher Grace...

  So, I take it that you guys are going to watch Beuwulf?!


Wow, no post for 6 hours!???!! What the heck?  Monkee, it's all your fault.    I'll start...

so, good evening everyone..

i have my very first home-made lasagna baking in the oven.  i found this "best lasagna" recipe online and had to try it because it asked for ingredients that i could actually buy at the local safeway!  i sure hope that it tastes good... it smells good though


 man the democrats are getting stupider by the minute.
Clinton now has hench men in Dodd and Biden who know do the dirty work for her and attack Edwards and Obama relentlessly. So much for democracy again.

Went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 That sounds awesome pl, hope it goes well. Was the lasagna hard to make? It looks really imposing.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Good job purelife.  You realize though....once you have homemade, you won't be able to eat a frozen one again.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


ooo ooo...PC's online.. gotta ask you a question.

my lasagna started to overflow (cheese melted over the dish thingee) and then i placed aluminum foil underneath to protect from spillage. Then, it started to burn!  i have the oven at 350, so turned it down for a bit, but now it seems fine.  i don't know why it started to burn or something.  perhpas it was the burning from the stuff on the bottom?  is it supposed to do this, pc?

hey SD... it took about 1.5 hours to just prepare (and wait for) this lasagna and get it ready for the oven..  

the packaged lasagna is cheaper than homemade though...


holy moly 1.5hr's!

yeah we buy this frozen kind that's really really good. 20 minutes done. eat.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Can't choke down a store bought lasagne.

  Yeah purelife....that's pretty normal.  I find lasagne dishes to be not deep enough.  I finally went out and bought a deep-dish lasagne pan.  You can make a foil 'fence' around the top.  Fold foil into 3 lengthwise and place inside around the top so it sticks up about 2 inches.  This usually stops the spill over.  

  *I bet it's smelling yummy at your house !!!!
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


yeah probably. Once you usually make things home made you don't want store bought.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I think that's true.  I feel shame....I've become a lasagne snob.  

  Speaking of homemade....I just took some piping hot calzones out of the oven. They are WAY too yummy.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


well I think purelife left us for her food. Have a nice dinner P.C.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Thanks PC... that's a great tip!  I'll do that for my next lasagna.  And it turned out yummy!  My man is having seconds!  And his portions aren't small...  hee hee..

Do you make your own calzone bread part?  What's in it?  

Enjoy your dinner.


Usually I do if I'm making an authentic calzone.  But when I'm winging it with leftovers etc, I'll use puff pastry.  A little rich, but yummy none the less.  Tonights had chicken, red green and yellow peppers, garlic and mushrooms and some herbs out of the garden, grated carrot and a little white wine sauce to hold it all together.  Twas delish.

  I knew your lasagne would turn out well. My mouth is watering just thinking of it.  Mmmmmmmmmm  You realize you've spoiled your man now....HE won't want anything but homemade now....LOL
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Heya all! I just made bimbibap (minus the stone pot) and it was ok. Still.... I think if you gotta go for bimbibap, you definitely need that stone pot. Wasn't so bad. Very healthy actually. Mostly veggies.


  Hard to imagine that was Topher Grace (what kinda name is that anyways???) from The 70s Show. He had a bod to kill. Wowee.

  No, we're probably not gonna watch Beowulf when it comes out in theatres. Might wait for the DVD instead. Anything anime we're waiting till it gets to DVD. The last anime I watched on the big screen was Final Fantasy and that was baaaad. Ever since I've been turned off going to watch anime at the movie theatres.

  Just finished watching 300 FINALLY. Oh man. I love men with great bodies and itty bitty spandex loincloths. *pant pant pant*

  Lasagne overflow? I haven't done lasagne in ages. I dunno why. Maybe I should make some this week or so. Everyone loves lasagne. I usually don't concentrate the cheese around the edges, kinda just concentrate everything in the middle and leave a bit of spacing around the edges. Mine doesn't bubble over the edges but I always play it safe and put a pan underneath for just in case.  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.
