So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Sounds good Russ.  Show 'em how you celebrate Canada Day!        


Ahhhh the almighty stroke again (only her will understand...)


What Michel?  How could you have NO plans for Canada Day!??!!  Bad boy.


Oh yeah I'm bad baby ! hehe


You giggle like a skool gurl in piggy tails, Michel.


Michel wrote:
 Ahhhh the almighty stroke again (only her will understand...)[/DIV]
 lol Michel.. no I think a few others will as well..

I agree with PL.. no real plans for Canada Day? You havent had a real Canada Day celebration until the evening goes grey then black in your mind and you are given a ticket for running around in only a Canada Flag.. trust me on this one.    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


 Russ wrote:
Michel wrote:
 [em]Ahhhh the almighty stroke again (only her will understand...)[/em][/div]
 [div]lol Michel.. no I think a few others will as well..
I agree with PL.. no real plans for Canada Day? You havent had a real Canada Day celebration until the evening goes grey then black in your mind and you are given a ticket for running around in only a Canada Flag.. trust me on this one.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Ah I have to prepare my desertion to Alaska the following weekend, but I must say that running naked with a flag wrapped around me sound interesting.

  Still I'm against nationalism, so I say "No to flag" ! *Flag falling around the ankles*      


Uhm, you didn't run around naked with one of those mini flags on the stick that you get for free, did you Russ?  ;)  You didn't like wrap that little piece of flag around your *****, did you?  ;)    


You giggle like a skool gurl in piggy tails, Michel.

  Yeah, I know this role play excite you PL... eheheh  


Michel wrote:
 You giggle like a skool gurl in piggy tails, Michel.

  Yeah, I know this role play excite you PL... eheheh  
It does.  It does!  It ignites me.


purelife wrote:
 Uhm, you didn't run around naked with one of those mini flags on the stick that you get for free, did you Russ?  ;)  You didn't like wrap that little piece of flag around your *****, did you?  ;)

 LOL no. Im not going to elaborate with a Russ Story on this one, but lets just say it was a standard sized Canuck Flag.

  And on that informative note, lol. Have a good night all.. Im off to the Land of Nod.  
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Nighty nighty Russ....may you have pleasant wet and mild dreams. ;)  


Bonne nuit! May you fastly fell

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