So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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With the gender barriers down, I thought chivalry would apply to both sexes.  LOL
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


 hmm interesting.
Although I'm beginning to think that Vancouver's 'not nice' attitude stems from the 'live and let live' attitude that the city has become famous for.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


With the gender barriers down, I thought chivalry would apply to both sexes

  Exactly....once the gender barriers are down, we're back to common courtesy....which to me is kindness, regardles of gender or age.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Although I'm beginning to think that Vancouver's 'not nice' attitude stems from the 'live and let live' attitude that the city has become famous for.

  I hope you haven't come to that conclusion based on your experiences at DV.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


no not that, just from what you guys have said about vancouver and them being rude. Then other people talking about the live let to live attitude. Its somewhere in the middle though.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


no not that, just from what you guys have said about vancouver and them being rude. Then other people talking about the live let to live attitude. Its somewhere in the middle though.  

  Well, not 'this guy'.  I think that criticism of the attitudes of city life applies to MOST cities.....probably ALL

  I'm of the belief that there is no such thing as a 'rude city'.  I think that people get back what they give out, wherever that may be, regardless of the geography.  I don't experience that any more in Vancouver that I do anywhere else......on the other hand, I'm not rude to people......maybe that's why I'm getting a different feedback?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


[span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]I think that people get back what they give out, wherever that may be, regardless of the geography.  I don't experience that any more in Vancouver that I do anywhere else......on the other hand, I'm not rude to people......maybe that's why I'm getting a different feedback?[/span]
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]I am also not rude to others but I see it quite often.  The "rudeness" was not directed to me but to others.  I see it on skytrain, buses, and when I'm driving.  I do think  that some places are much more friendly than Vancouver.  

I somewhat believe in your theory of "what you are is what you attract" PC, but I learned to keep an eye out for everything else.  I have to be aware of my environment at all times and what is happenning.  That's just me though.


What I see is nobody or very very few people are considerate of others when it comes to driving or riding the Skytrain.

  I absolutely hate tailgating. I like to have a few car lengths between me and the car ahead of me. This means I am constantly cut off because drivers think there is room between the cars. What causes me to fly into a rage is many times there is no one behind me, ie: all the room in the world.

Or trying to exit the Skytrain and everyone crushing to get on. When that happens I just raise my elbows and start pushing my way off. Or waiting to board the train and a crowd swarms in front because I'm not scrambling to force my way on.

One day I'll snap.
"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


I just noticed I have my first negative.

How rude of someone!
"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


Awww Schad.

  I hear ya purelife, and I agree.  I said what I said poorly, and I'm definitely NOT saying there isn't a lot of rudeness out there....I'm just saying I don't find it exclusive to Vancouver.  I've wittnessed a mixture of rudeness and kindness wherever I've been.  I think that will never change, because I see it as an issue of human nature, not a geographical issue.

  Maybe we should put some happy serum in the water supply. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


No one person or group of persons can acurately experience what people are like in a city - that concept just violates all components of the scientific method.  To quote my anti-spam bot-stopper work of this post - "absurd".
C'mon, the city is sleeping!


stretchedout wrote:
No one person or group of persons can acurately experience what people are like in a city - that concept just violates all components of the scientific method.  To quote my anti-spam bot-stopper work of this post - "absurd".[/DIV]
 In other words:

  [FONT size=4]We must all ignore stretchedout, for this one person's opinion, is completely inaccurate.[/FONT]
"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


 No one person or group of persons can acurately experience what people are like in a city - that concept just violates all components of the scientific method.  To quote my anti-spam bot-stopper work of this post - "absurd".

  I have no idea what that means or who's opinion you find absurd.  (I have a feeling it's mine, but I'm not sure)

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I'm sensing a lack of post secondary education in any discipline that involves science, from Barney!  
C'mon, the city is sleeping!


P.C. wrote:
  No one person or group of persons can acurately experience what people are like in a city - that concept just violates all components of the scientific method.  To quote my anti-spam bot-stopper work of this post - "absurd".

  I have no idea what that means or who's opinion you find absurd.  (I have a feeling it's mine, but I'm not sure)


  I think you may need to ask yourself why you always take things so personally!

C'mon, the city is sleeping!
