yeah here's the message:
purelife knows who this cat is, he's a bit odd.
A Final Thought
i am getting to the point in my life where i don't know what to say to you. it's really just your political rants and raving. your entire profile is just one big praise of canada/politics/and who knows what. i think you're lost. i can't tell you what to say, where to go, how to live, what to say, what to believe. and i wouldn't WANT to tell you those things. just remember what your true identity is. i think deep inside your heart you want to stay here and enjoy your family and friends. something has ticked you off and that's why you're leaving. i am just going to leave you on your own and let you do your own thing because i think that is what you want in your life at this point. if you ever want to come out and be SD again, you can always call me, myspace me (i'm keeping my account) and you can always find me at work or driving around in the area. peace, friend.
I usually get one of these a week from him.
"i wouldn't WANT to tell you those things"
that's bull, ever since I said I was moving, even to Seattle, he got all into hissy fits and calling me traitor and shit.
just remember what your true identity is
wow, somebody is preaching here....