So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Oh, I heard that ginseng works too.  A friend of mine started taking these ginseng pills and alongside of increased energy, he could last all night long for days and days.  OMG!


Cool! I don't know if I need anything like that, most times I need a cold shower! Bwuahahahahaaaa!


Morning missy PL, SD, Devil, Tenk, Lil Me, Boozer, and the infamous Lurkers..

  WTF! Im sick again! went to bed last night feeling ok.. Woke up this morning with that same damn cold!

  Other than that things are going ok! The house didnt burn down after replacing the breaker panel so it must have been right.    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Sick again?  You must be really burnt down there Russ.  Stressed?  

  I was once sick 3 times a month due to extreme stress.  You take care.


Hi Russ. You need rest. Forget all the BS medications. Just rest. Sleep and rest is the cure for almost everything.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


That was quick!  Did you do it yourself?


 look at the stats: this is going to be the busiest month on DS evar! DS is going to hit 10,000 posts a month for the first time. sweet.

[table class="tborder" style="margin-bottom: 1ex;" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="100%"][tbody][tr class="windowbg2" valign="middle"][th align="left"] [a href="index.php?action=stats;expand=200703#200703"]March 2007[/a]                      [/th]                      [th align="center"]317[/th]                      [th align="center"]9450[/th]                      [th align="center"]39[/th]                      [th align="center"]37[/th][/tr][/tbody][/table]
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


nope I went to custom cuts. Nobody was there so I didn't have to wait.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
look at the stats: this is going to be the busiest month on DS evar! DS is going to hit 10,000 posts a month for the first time. sweet.

 [TABLE class=tborder style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1ex" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR class=windowbg2 vAlign=center] [TH align=left][A href="index.php?action=stats;expand=200703#200703"]March 2007[/A] [/TH] [TH align=middle]317[/TH] [TH align=middle]9450[/TH] [TH align=middle]39[/TH] [TH align=middle]37[/TH][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]When did the previous highest number occur?
A fool's paradise is better than none.


thanks miss PL.. :)

  I might have been a little stressed and burning the candle at both ends.. But to be honest I dont think its that..

  And I have the flu shot too! lol.

    SD!! lol, your comments about a hair cut made me remember about when I needed one when I was in china.

    I had been needing one for a while then, and was getting open comments from my immediate boss about it so I finally decided to do it one saturday. I went to the front desk of the hotel I was living in and managed to get one the front desk girls to understand what I wanted after much comedy. I mean, what do you think was going through her mind when some crazy white guy comes up to you making scissor motions with his fingers into his hair? Especially in a language you dont really understand. Having gotten directions I went out, and being the brilliant navigator that I am who never gets lost.. after ten minutes I was completely lost and had to hail a cab to go back to the hotel. I got back and after waiting to see the same girl again I attempted to tell her how I got lost. After I thoroughly confused her, I think I had used the wrong chinese words and ordered a beer cause one came, she disappears into the back and comes out in street clothes! Aha! A guide! I can get to the hair cutting place now!

So we walk from the hotel in the same direction she sent me.. and she obviously got lost herself cause we wandered twice around the same block I ended up at. Maybe I wasnt so dumb afterall. We then hailed a cab and went to a barber shop. It even had the rotating pole that the old skool barbers had. After going in, there was a huge disturbance because the owner noticed a white guy coming in. I was led to the front of the line, and sat down to have my hair cut by the owner himself (this was obviously a great honour which after the end product I wished I wasnt bestowed with). He sent the girl whose chair he hijacked off to get something and came back with a beer and a stack of pictures of hairdo's (I really liked china with the way they always assumed I wanted a beer). After being showed of hairdo's of the likes of kiss and even a few women, I managed to find one that looked like what I wanted.

After getting my haircut (I would wear a hat for a few weeks afterwards everytime in public so all the guys I was working with wouldnt burst into laughter), I ended up having my picture taken with the owner and his staff. I noticed all my hair was spent up carefully, I didnt think anything of it until the next time I went there for a haircut I saw a picture of me in teh window with a clear box beside it containing my hair. Obviously this was some sort of marketing ploy that was using me without compensation.. but I decided to let it go. I turned around and went in search of another barber.    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

Lil Me

lol.  another russ story!
 Mr LM had a haircut in China.  It included a beer and a body massage.  Mr LM wasn't quite sure what to think when the girl led him behind the curtain and motioned for him to lie down!
 The haircut was weird.  They gave him serious lamb chop sideburns, because they think that white guys like that look!
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so CHOKED!!!!!!!!!! It is really snowing.........great big god stopped using head and shoulders.............just cause I wanna clean my yard today.......................dammitdammitdammit


afternoon's it hangin?
If you say "plz" because it's shorter than "please", then I'll say "no" because its shorter than "Yes"


LOL...or is it draggin?  LOL...the day sucks a$$....too much snow...not enough plans inside
