Isreal attacks Lebanon, I think Isreal is at war now

Started by Sportsdude, Jul 12 06 10:29

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Sportsdude wrote:
 Well considering this has the potential of a world type scale, talk is not the answer.

In my opinion, and this opinion would be construde as anti semitic down here because its not pro pro pro israeli is that Israel has done this too harshly. Yes a terrorist organization kidnapped a couple of your soldiers. You don't invade countries over that. You send a special ops group into the area and resucue them. Just because Hezzbollah took a couple soldiers doesn't give you the right to bomb the crap out of Lebannon.  That's like when the U.S. accidentally bombed Canadian forces in afghanistan you did see Ottawa try to bomb Washington.

   well,think of it this move into a new house in a new neighbourhood after your first home was destroyed.happy to start a new life you soon realize somebody is putting dog crap on your door every weekend,stomping on your flower garden and chasing your cats,well behaved cats, away.

  this continues for years!

  soon it is now spraypaint on your car,your children being insulted and threatened.

  after that it is other neighbours getting involved doing the same.

  this goes on for years.

  soon you have had enough and decide the police can only watch the situation cause it's so hard to actually catch them all and because of that you choose one of the worst neighbours to set the example.

  you are no longer interested in talking or the police assisting you are going to whoop some ass on the worst neighbour,the one who is closest.

  you are going to f*ck with his pool,mess with his vegtable garden,ruin his fence,and finish of his lawn with gas so it turns brown.

you are going to level his new addition and wreck his dog house.

you are going to do all of this overnight and with the quiet support of the many other quiet neighbours in the cul-de-sac.

  he will wake up and realize what an ass he has been and decide to live with you in peace,thereby setting the tone and example for all other neighbours.


i think somebody has to step in (USA or UN), and call for a cease fire on both sides. with each passing day, the bombing on both sides seems to be increasing and it looks like a full blown war now.

  the world seems to be pretty unstable right now with north korea testing missles, the india train bombing supposely caused by radical group of pakistanis that actually want india and pakistan to go to war. both countries have nukes.

  there seems to be no end in sight.  


there can be two roads.

  one of war and one of peace.


the UN did step in long time ago...

  said to the lebanese you must disarm the hezbolla.

  you must enforce the rule of law in your own country and rein in this group.

  the UN also warned syria and iran about funding foreign fighters.


i guess it was just a matter of time...

  The AP reported Sunday that five of those killed in Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon on Sunday held Canadian citizenship.


Yeah I heard about the candians dying. Wonder if that will change Harper's tune. Probly not the man is not human he shows no emotion whatsoever.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


[A href=""][/A]

  very candid.

  if only the syrians WOULD stop doing shit with the hezbolla.iran too.

  they (syria and iran) seek to destablize the lebanese at the expense of the lebanese civilian population.

  disarm the hezbolla as per the UN mandate and israel will withdrawl.      


Is it possible to be critical of Israel, without being accused of anti-semitism?
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Well considering being a semite means you are either a an israeli, palestinian, jordanian, lebanese or syrian.  This means that in a way if you are pro israel through and through you are also anti semitic since palestinians and lebanese people are semitis also.

The best way to deal with this situation is nuetral. Hence the public backlash against Harper so far because he's anything but nuetral.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."